Thriving Beyond COVID Series-Sasha K.

Local independent school teacher, Sasha K. shares her story about pregnancy in a global pandemic
Dr. Hannah Nazri discusses FGM/C, period spot checks and sexual harassment in Malaysia

Dr. Hannah Nazri explains why FGM/C (female genital mutilation/ circumcision), period spot checks and rape jokes in school are due to internalised misogyny which we need to continually challenge.
Ellen Considine discusses low-cost air quality sensors + environmental justice

Promise and pitfalls regarding the use of low-cost sensors for addressing air inequality
Randevyn Pierre discusses “Black Healthcare Hesitancy and Its Impact Profile 103: Our Body Is (Nothing and Everything)”

“My grandmother was resistant to her food being heated up on a metal plate. Today, most of us don’t even think twice about warming our dinner in a microwave. Change is slow, but it is constant and inevitable. We will get there.”
Rebecca E discusses “The Health of the American Education System: Two Fundamental Questions”

True Curriculum By Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 1: The Health of the American Education System-Two Fundamental Questions Today we’re talking about Let’s start with a question: Is the American education system working? As straightforward as this question might seem, I don’t think that it is a fair one. Asking if our education system is working […]
Jackie Leung discusses “Representation in Office: Why It Matters in Public Health”

Jackie Leung discusses her experience in running for office and her passion in public health.
Joanna Burke-Bajaj identifies concerns of gender and choice in the WHO Global Alcohol Action Plan to reduce FASD

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj Gender and Choice in Health Promotion: WHO Global Alcohol Action Plan Recommendations to Reduce FASD Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) include a wide range of possible negative effects on birth and fetus development from the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. The first draft of the WHO Global Alcohol Action Plan […]
Ryan Sutherland, MPH, investigates restrictions on blood donation for men who have sex with men

Since the 1980s, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has maintained restrictive policies preventing men who have sex with men (MSM) from donating blood. Are these restrictions discriminatory or based on science?
Ryan Sutherland, MPH, discusses the Biden Administration’s Reinstatement of Transgender Health Protections

The Biden administration overturned a Trump-era policy to align the definition of “sex” in Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act to again include sexual orientation and gender identity in addition to biological sex. How does this protect transgender health?
Jackie Leung Discusses “Taking Back the Micronesian and Pacific Islander in API Heritage Month: The Importance of Data Disaggregation”

Jackie Leung discusses the importance of demographic data collection and using this to understand the trends and potential reasons to differing health outcomes.