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Screen the Lungs By Brian Shim Screen the Lungs At the center of health justice lies the answer of equity. Rasheera Dopson Tweet The Age of Health Equity In the past year of many buzz words, we’ve have been hearing about the concept of equity in healthcare. When looking at the most basic definition […]
Yves Zuñiga and Roy Dahildahil share a glimpse of mental health advocacy in the Philippines

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH Making Ripples of Change Through the 3S and 3Os Framework in Mental Health Advocacy: A Case in the Philippines All authors contributed equally to this publication (Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, CHM, CPH and Roy O. Dahildahil, RMT, MSc) Everyone deserves to be seen, heard, empowered, […]
Disability Equity: creating a more inclusive healthcare system and Public Health framework.

Disability it is one of those topics that fall within the intersection of health and social sciences. How the disability community is structured, supported, and even developed depends holistically on the delicate balance of medical intervention and societal inclusion.
Rasheera Dopson discusses the Age of Health Equity

At the intersection of health justice lies the answer of equity. Equity burdens us all with the task of foreseeable change. Equity is focused less on the performative act and concentrates more on application.
Edition 34 – Mental Health and Postpartum Mortality in the COVID-19 Era

Mental Health and Postpartum Mortality in the COVID-19 Era By Ada Hsieh, MD Citation Hsieh A. Mental health and postpartum mortality in the COVID-19 era. HPHR. 2021;34. DOI:10.54111/0001/HH7 Mental Health and Postpartum Mortality in the COVID-19 Era Abstract Mental health concerns have increased significantly over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic while disproportionately affecting young […]
Edition 34 – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Access in the U.S.: A Multifactorial Challenge with Dynamic Policy

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Access in the U.S.: A Multifactorial Challenge with Dynamic Policy By Kelila Kahane, MPH and Joshua Blake Morof, MPH Citation Kahane K, Morof J. Child and adolescent mental health access in the U.S.: a multifactorial challenge with dynamic policy. HPHR. 2021;34. DOI:10.54111/0001/HH9 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Access in the […]
Edition 30 – Fortification and Expansion of the DACA Program: A Public Health Imperative

Fortification and Expansion of the DACA Program: A Public Health Imperative By Dr. Cullen Truett, DO Citation Truett C. Fortification and expansion of the DACA program: a public health mperative. HPHR. 2021; 30 DOI:10.54111/0001/DD3 Fortification and Expansion of the DACA Program: A Public Health Imperative Background What Is DACA? The Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals […]
BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month

Elizana-Marie Joseph discusses the history and importance of BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month.
Upstream Politics and Negative Health Outcomes that Impact Us all Part 2: An Interview with Attorney Daniel Dawes

Rahseer Dopson interviews Daniel E. Dawes, JD of Moorhouse about health equity and health reform.
Upstream Politics and the Downward Negative Health Outcomes That Impact Us

To eliminate present-day inequities, we have to first acknowledge the decision-making power behind our healthcare system.