Edition 63 – Gene – Diet Interaction and Weight Loss: A Focus on Asians

Gene – Diet Interaction and Weight Loss: A Focus on Asians By Anh Nguyen-Hoang, RNT, DCN, CNHC, FBANT, Abdul-Rahman Toufik, Wireko Andrew Awuah, Heather Tillewein, Jessica Honig, Yves Miel H. Zuniga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH, Sailee Bhambere, BDS, MPH, Duha Shella, Alice Colescu, Candice Carpenter, MD, MBA, MPH, EdM Citation Nguyen-Hoang A, Toufik A, Awuah […]
Edition 63 – Medical Student Attitudes Towards Nutritional and Exercise Science Integration

Medical Student Attitudes Towards Nutritional and Exercise Science Integration By Tyler Beauchamp, Aditya Devarakonda, Varsha Chiruvella, Jessica Hatch, Patrick Lorenz, Dr. Lisa Renee Hilton All authors affiliated with the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University Citation Beauchamp T, Devarakonda A, Chiruvella V, Lorenz P,Hilton L. Medical student attitudes towards nutritional and exercise science integration. […]
Edition 41 – Commitment to Co-Creation: How to Empower and Accelerate Grassroots Solutions for Global Nutrition and Food System Transformation

Commitment to Co-Creation: How to Empower and Accelerate Grassroots Solutions for Global Nutrition and Food System Transformation By Isabelle Foster, MA, Afshan Omar, Ramón Lameda, MS, PhD, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Foster I, Omar A, Lameda R. Commitment to Co-Creation: How to empower and accelerate grassroots solutions for global nutrition and food system transformation. HPHR. […]
Naina Qayyum Discusses Child Feeding Practices (Part 2)

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, reflects on insights from her conversation with parents on child feeding experiences and challenges. It is part 2 of 2 in the series ‘Those Who Feed Us’.
Naina Qayyum Discusses Child Feeding Practices (Part 1)

In this piece Naina Qayyum, shares her experience of interacting with parents to learn about their child feeding practices. Part 1 is a vlog.
Naina Qayyum Discusses Adolescent Nutrition

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, advocates for the need to make nutrition policies adolescent-friendly.
Naina Qayyum Discusses Food Systems and Women’s Health

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, draws the connection between our food systems and women’s health.
Naina Qayyum Discusses the Evils of Food Marketing

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, highlights how food marketing encourages unhealthy food consumption.
Naina Qayyum Discusses the Link Between Climate Change, Food Systems, and Our Health

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, tried to draw the link between climate change, food systems, and their impact on human health.
Naina Qayyum Discusses Food Safety and Why Urgent Action is Needed

In this blog post, Naina Qayyum reflects on food safety challenges and why it is time it takes a front seat in the food and public health discourse.