Dr. Quinn M. Gentry discusses challenging the matrix of domination in advancing black feminism in public health

Dr. Quinn discusses advancing black feminism in public health
Brian Shim discusses policy approaches to improve national lung cancer screening

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Advocating for Policy that Supports Lung Cancer Screening Today on Screen the Lungs!, we will brainstorm some of the policy approaches that cancer care and health equity advocates can adopt to bolster high-level federal support of lung cancer screening programs. We Need to Make Lung Cancer Screening Coverage Mandatory! […]
Brian Shim and Dr. Candice Carpenter discuss the role of trust and racism in oncology

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Trust and Mistrust – the role of implicit bias and discrimination in medicine and cancer care Previously on Screen the Lungs!, we discussed the multi-level barriers to Lung Cancer Screening (LCS), as well as some of the challenges at the patient-to-provider level that can marginalize patients. One particularly pressing […]
Brian Shim discusses patient navigation in lung cancer screening

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Patient Navigation – Drawing the map to better cancer care Previously on Screen the Lungs!, we discussed some of the challenges and barriers that cancer patients face in deciding whether lung cancer screening is right for them. In today’s discussion, I want to talk more about how we […]
Brian Shim discusses the decision to screen for lung cancer

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Making the Decision to Screen: How can we make things easier for patients? Previously on Screen the Lungs!, we introduced some of the salient barriers that challenge lung cancer screening at the systems, provider, and patient levels. In this blog, I will discuss some of the challenges that patients […]
Dr. Quinn M. Gentry discusses strategies for engaging women to address unique experiences in advancing black feminism in public health

Dr. Quinn discusses advancing black feminism in public health
Yves Zuñiga highlights how kindness can translate to positive actions for mental health and well-being

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH Well-being and the science of kindness Roundtable discussion (Part 2 of 2) We have the power within each of us, through kindness, to impact our collective community and our collective mental health. — Cynthia Bissett Germanotta, Born This Way Foundation Tweet In my previous article, […]
Yves Zuñiga highlights the role of kindness on our mental health and well-being

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH Well-being and the science of kindness Roundtable discussion (Part 1 of 2) Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle. — Charles Glassman Tweet Kindness is a behavior marked by doing something good and beneficial towards yourself and others. It is also an act […]
Dr. Quinn M. Gentry discusses race, class, and gender as equally oppressive inequities in advancing black feminism in public health

Dr. Quinn discusses 10 key principles aimed at advancing black feminism in public health.
Rasha Kaloti Discusses Mental Health for Health Workers in Syria: A Critical yet Forgotten Issue. A Conversation with Diana Rayes, MHS

A conversation with Diana Rayes, a PhD student in international health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg of Public Health, to discuss mental health of health workers in Syria.