Joanna Burke-Bajaj on workplace equity in long-term care

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj Workplace Equity in Long-Term Care: Devaluing care and the feminisation of labour When discussing the widespread implications of health inequities it is important to not negate the fact that the need for improvements in health equity apply not only to patients and communities seeking care, but also to healthcare […]
Joanna Burke-Bajaj discusses the role of gender equality in improving access to clean water

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj Gender Equality and Water: The effects of advancement of the status of women on improved clean water accessibility Within many low-to-middle income countries and communities (LMICs) around the world, women’s health and significant facets of women’s lives are intrinsically tied to water, often through applied social gender roles […]
Naomi Fukuda interviews Dental Therapist, Nikita

This vlog discusses the dental therapy profession and Nikita’s journey!
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM talks with physician, researcher and children’s author Dr. Kimberly Narain about her book: Cycle of a Dream – A Kids’ Introduction to Structural Racism in America (#6)

How do we talk to kids (and others) about structural racism? Why, a children’s book, of course!
Naomi Fukuda discusses the need for Dentists in Rural America

This vlog discusses the critical need for more dental professionals in rural areas.
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explores community-building as central teaching practice, and crucial to engaging health equity (#5)

What can you do to build community in your classroom (or organizational setting)?
Naomi Fukuda on the Effects of Drug Abuse on Oral Health

This vlog introduces the link between drug abuse and one’s mouth.
Naomi Fukuda interviews dental and medical students on the dental-medical divide and integration

This vlog features dental and medical students with ranges of experiences about their thoughts on the dental-medical divide thus far and their perspectives on integrating dental and medical schools.
Joanna Burke-Bajaj on moving from health-related deservingness to rights-based approaches to health

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj Moving from Health-Related Deservingness to Rights-Based Approaches to Health The concept of deservingness is a social idea related to the moral judgements and biased assumptions that we make about whether or not, or to what degree, others are deserving of what they receive. In a sense, the idea of […]
Joanna Burke-Bajaj identifies concerns of gender and choice in the WHO Global Alcohol Action Plan to reduce FASD

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj Gender and Choice in Health Promotion: WHO Global Alcohol Action Plan Recommendations to Reduce FASD Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) include a wide range of possible negative effects on birth and fetus development from the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. The first draft of the WHO Global Alcohol Action Plan […]