Brian Shim shares an overview of lung cancer, screening, and disparities

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Introduction to Lung Cancer, Disparities, and Screening Introduction to Lung Cancer Health and Disparity Despite striding progress in cancer research and care, lethality in lung cancer persists as the disease continues to evade control efforts nationwide. The prevalence of smoking, the leading risk factor for lung cancer, has declined […]
Ife discusses The Role of Public Health Law in State Health Outcomes in the US

The life expectancy and mortality rates of certain states are so disparate that it raises many questions, the most important being – why are some states healthier than others?
Gabriel Oke discusses the impact of COVID-19 on medical tourism

Gabriel Oke in this blog discussed how COVID19 forcefully reduced medical tourism and made gaps in our healthcare system even more glaring and also lessons for epidemic preparedness and strengthening of Nigeria health system.
Naina Qayyum Discusses the Link Between Public Health and Food Systems

In her first blog, Naina Qayyum, makes the case for why public health and food systems need to break silos and work together to achieve better population health outcomes.
Brian blog template

Screen the Lungs By Brian Shim Screen the Lungs At the center of health justice lies the answer of equity. Rasheera Dopson Tweet The Age of Health Equity In the past year of many buzz words, we’ve have been hearing about the concept of equity in healthcare. When looking at the most basic definition […]
Yves Zuñiga and Roy Dahildahil share a glimpse of mental health advocacy in the Philippines

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH Making Ripples of Change Through the 3S and 3Os Framework in Mental Health Advocacy: A Case in the Philippines All authors contributed equally to this publication (Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, CHM, CPH and Roy O. Dahildahil, RMT, MSc) Everyone deserves to be seen, heard, empowered, […]
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM highlights absurdities of navigating the modern health care system for children with complex needs (#8)

How can we provide the best care for our children if the process is so complex, and sometimes absurd?
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM discusses Health Literacy, Health Equity, and Housing: Focus on the Section 8 Housing Search (#7)

Housing is Health. Health Equity is Health Literacy. What can we do to make systems better so people can use them and improve their health?
Joanna Burke-Bajaj explores One Health as an opportunity for advocacy towards systems change

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj One Health: An emerging public health field with the opportunity to build systems change The new and burgeoning field of One Health (OH) grew from the long-known concept of connection between living things, but took on new meaning in the growing knowledge of connectivity between health-related disciplines and major events […]
Joanna Burke-Bajaj details the conflicting history and future of the Breast is Best campaign for breastfeeding and the Fed is Best movement

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj The Future of Choice in Feeding: A history of breastfeeding conflict between the Breast is Best campaign and the Fed is Best movement August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month, and as such it is also a time when new parents can sometimes find themselves thrust into a social media spotlight and […]