Decolonising FGM/C Advocacy: Respecting Local Expertise

Decolonising FGM/C Advocacy: Respecting Local Expertise By Dr. Hannah Nazri Decolonising FGM/C Advocacy: Respecting Local Expertise I have given considerable thought to the importance of writing this article. While I wholeheartedly support the participation of individuals from cultures where FGM/C (female genital mutilation/cutting) is not practiced in advocacy efforts, I have become increasingly uncomfortable with […]
Great Expectations: Should Doctors Become “Everything”? by Dr. Hannah Nazri

Great Expectations: Should Doctors Become “Everything”? By Dr. Hannah Nazri Great Expectations: Should Doctors Become “Everything”? I recently attended a panel discussion that highlighted the profound influence of socio-economic factors, race, and ethnicity on health outcomes as this is a topic I deeply care about. The session underscored the significance of continuity, sustainability, and relationships in […]
Embracing My Neurodiverse Journey: Navigating Interactions, Challenging Stereotypes, and Cultivating Connections by Dr. Hannah Nazri

Embracing My Neurodiverse Journey: Navigating Interactions, Challenging Stereotypes, and Cultivating Connections By Dr. Hannah Nazri Embracing My Neurodiverse Journey: Navigating Interactions, Challenging Stereotypes, and Cultivating Connections Photo by Peter Burdon on Unsplash I never thought much about how interacted with others other than to follow the golden adage of treating others how you wish to […]
My CSW67 Experience by Dr. Hannah Nazri

My CSW67 Experience By Dr. Hannah Nazri My CSW67 Experience The United Nations 67th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) was held from 6th to 17th March 2023. It is the only gathering convening intergovernmental and non-governmental/ non-profit organisations that discuss the current status of women globally as well as sharing best practices on […]
Dr. Hannah Nazri’s Recommended Readings

Dr. Hannah Nazri recommends three books to understand how politics and economic climate, and culture can impact a patient’s journey in accessing healthcare especially if they are women.
Dr. Hannah Nazri on medicine, activism and the nature of science

Dr. Hannah Nazri tells us why she is passionate about combining activism into her clinical work and research interests, the nature of science and how medicine cannot work in silo.
Dr. Hannah Nazri talks to Jessica Pin about clitoral anatomy, labiaplasties, and smart patients

Dr. Hannah Nazri talks to Jessica Pin, an activist with the goal of comprehensive and equitable coverage of the clitoral anatomy in Obstetrics & Gynaecology (ObGyn) textbooks.
Dr. Hannah Nazri discusses FGM/C, period spot checks and sexual harassment in Malaysia

Dr. Hannah Nazri explains why FGM/C (female genital mutilation/ circumcision), period spot checks and rape jokes in school are due to internalised misogyny which we need to continually challenge.
Dr. Hannah Nazri discusses “Can social media lead to health illiteracy and should doctors be online?”

Dr. Hannah Nazri discusses the role of social media in promoting health illiteracy and whether doctors should be online.
Dr. Hannah Nazri’s Recommended Watch List

This week, instead of the usual blog article, Dr. Hannah Nazri recommends three films that emphasise the importance of listening to patients emphatically as well as developing the medical knowledge. Always listen to your patients.