Ellen Considine on Climate Change, Air Quality, and Health: Part 3/3

Challenges in the climate change mitigation space: emissions “leakage”, pollutant shifts, and balancing economic and equity concerns
Joanna Burke-Bajaj discusses the role of gender equality in improving access to clean water

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj Gender Equality and Water: The effects of advancement of the status of women on improved clean water accessibility Within many low-to-middle income countries and communities (LMICs) around the world, women’s health and significant facets of women’s lives are intrinsically tied to water, often through applied social gender roles […]
Javaid Iqbal discusses “Why Data Are Not Enough To Change Human Behavior”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Why Data Are Not Enough To Change Human Behavior Covid cases are rising across the United States due to the transmission of the delta variant. The steepest increases have been in the South, where Florida, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina are dealing with the most extensive outbreaks in the […]
Dr. Heather Tillewein Interviews a Conversion Therapy Survivor

HPHR Fellow, Dr. Heather Tillewein, does an in-depth interview with conversion therapy survivor, Clare Killman. This interview looks into Clare’s family background and the extent her family took to prevent Clare from living as a Transgender Female. Clare Killman discusses what it was like during conversion therapy and the lasting impact this form of therapy has had on her life.
Naomi Fukuda interviews Dental Therapist, Nikita

This vlog discusses the dental therapy profession and Nikita’s journey!
Ryan Sutherland, MPH, and the Dahuni Foundation address cyberbullying, a global public health problem

Defined by the American Psychological Association as a “form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort,” bullying is a widespread social problem and represents an overlooked area of public health. Social media and access to internet-connecting devices undoubtedly expose children to cyberbullying and cyber harm. What are steps we can take to address this global public health problem?
Dr. Ankit Raj discusses Global Surgery: From the Deep End in his last blog post

Lessons from Bihar By Dr. Ankit Raj Talking Global Surgery: From the Deep End Global surgery, like its elder cousin Global Health, remains largely dominated by students and experts from high-income countries. In the previous blog, we talked about Global Surgery and learned through brief introduction, scope and boundaries that define the field. We also […]
Dr. Ankit Raj introduces Global Surgery in his blog “Talking Global Surgery”

Lessons from Bihar By Dr. Ankit Raj Talking Global Surgery: An Introduction “5 billion people do not have access to safe, affordable, surgical and anaesthesia care when needed.” Global surgery is an interdisciplinary field encompassing the cross-cutting segments of surgery, anesthesia, public health, epidemiology, and health policy. This field is relatively young and lesser known […]
Dr. Heather Tillewein discusses health barriers for transgender individuals

Dr. Tillewein discusses the barriers that transgender individuals face when trying to access health care. Transgender individuals face several barriers with insurance, medical providers, and and accessing gender based services. Also, this blog will discuss the lack of education on transgender health that providers have.
BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month

Elizana-Marie Joseph discusses the history and importance of BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month.