Yves Zuñiga tackles gaming and mental health

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH Into the world of online gaming: Is it good or bad for our mental health? I think gaming is a proxy for facing troubles in your own life. It’s a very low-stakes way to experience emotions and anxieties and go through them in a safe […]
Yves Zuñiga underscores the state of Filipino overseas workers’ mental health

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH Essential yet ignored: Rethinking overseas workers’ mental health in the modern-day diaspora Migrant workers in low-to-middle income countries, including the Philippines, are considered significant contributors to host countries’ gross domestic product and other economic indicators. However, these workers are also known to have limited access […]
Yves Zuñiga highlights how kindness can translate to positive actions for mental health and well-being

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH Well-being and the science of kindness Roundtable discussion (Part 2 of 2) We have the power within each of us, through kindness, to impact our collective community and our collective mental health. — Cynthia Bissett Germanotta, Born This Way Foundation Tweet In my previous article, […]
Yves Zuñiga highlights the role of kindness on our mental health and well-being

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH Well-being and the science of kindness Roundtable discussion (Part 1 of 2) Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle. — Charles Glassman Tweet Kindness is a behavior marked by doing something good and beneficial towards yourself and others. It is also an act […]
Yves Zuñiga takes a closer look at mental health and resilience within our homes

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH Resilience starts at home: A closer look at mothers and mental health “Taking care of you and your mental health is not selfish. A healthy mom is a gift to a child.” — Anonymous Tweet Now more than ever, we’ve seen how mental health is […]
Yves Zuñiga unpacks vaccine equity and mental health

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH No one left behind: A roundtable discussion on the Philippine experience on vaccine equity and mental health More than a year has passed since the onset of COVID-19, and the world has mobilized efforts to mitigate the pandemic’s impact, such as mass vaccination to reach […]
Yves Zuñiga tackles grief and languishing amid COVID-19

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH Of grief and languishing: COVID-19 in the eyes of a person with lived experience Trigger warning: This podcast discusses content about depression and other mental health conditions. If you feel you need support with your mental health, please ensure you seek the appropriate help from […]
Yves Zuñiga and Roy Dahildahil share a glimpse of mental health advocacy in the Philippines

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH Making Ripples of Change Through the 3S and 3Os Framework in Mental Health Advocacy: A Case in the Philippines All authors contributed equally to this publication (Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, CHM, CPH and Roy O. Dahildahil, RMT, MSc) Everyone deserves to be seen, heard, empowered, […]