Edition 30 – Thinking Beyond Purpose-Built Communities: A Vision to Create Structural Change for Housing in the United States

Thinking Beyond Purpose-Built Communities: A Vision to Create Structural Change for Housing in the United States By Kate S. Meyer, MPH Citation Meyer K. Thinking beyond purpose-built communities: a vision to create structural change for housing in the United States. HPHR. 2021; 28. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD10 Thinking Beyond Purpose-Built Communities: A Vision to Create Structural Change for […]
Edition 11 – Changes in Disease Patterns and Their Measures: A Case Study in Dental Health

Changes in Disease Patterns and Their Measures: A Case Study in Dental Health By Dr. Marc Tennant and Dr. Estie Kruger Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Tennant M and Kruger E. Changes in disease patterns and their measures: a case study in dental health. Harvard Public Health Review. […]
Edition 30 – Structural Racism as a Determinant of Black Mental Health: Looking Back to Move Forward

Structural Racism as a Determinant of Black Mental Health: Looking Back to Move Forward By Lindsay Kephart Citation Kephart L. Structural racism as a determinant of Black mental health: looking back to move forward. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD11 Structural Racism as a Determinant of Black Mental Health: Looking Back to Move Forward Black individuals in […]
Edition 30 – Purpose Built Communities to Promote Health Equity and Address the Impacts of Racialized Residential Segregation

Purpose Built Communities to Promote Health Equity and Address the Impacts of Racialized Residential Segregation By Veronica L. Handunge Citation Handunge V. Purpose built communities to promote health equity and address the impacts of racialized residential segregation. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD12 Purpose Built Communities to Promote Health Equity and Address the Impacts of Racialized Residential […]
Priya Vedula talks public health firearm research and policy

“We don’t need more moments of silence to honor the memory of those who have been killed. We need to honor their memory by preventing a need for such moments.”
Priya Vedula discusses Indirect Source Rule

The South Coast Air Quality Management District passed the ISR recently. What is it, why was it needed, and what is its importance? Read on to find out.
Edition 30 – ‘We Are Only as Safe as Our Most Vulnerable Citizens’: Healthcare Systems’ Role in Reducing Exacerbating Social and Economic Inequities Before, During, and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

‘We Are Only as Safe as Our Most Vulnerable Citizens’: Healthcare Systems’ Role in Reducing Exacerbating Social and Economic Inequities Before, During, and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic By Latisha D. Thompson, Michelle Munyikwa, Jaya Aysola Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Thompson L, Munyikwa M, Aysola J. […]