As seen through Dalia’s eyes: reflections on the world of Global Health from a pioneering Sudanese activist (Part 3)

In this final instalment of Sofia and Dalia’s interview, Dalia synthesises her experiences as an activist in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health, and shares her views on what ‘Decolonising Global Health’ means in practice.
As seen through Dalia’s eyes: reflections on the world of Global Health from a pioneering Sudanese activist (Part 2)

In the second installment of this article series, Sofia and Dalia discuss Female Genital Mutilation and Dalia’s activism towards ending it in her home country of Sudan. Please be aware that these sensitive topics may be distressing for some readers.
As seen through Dalia’s eyes: reflections on the world of Global Health from a pioneering Sudanese activist (Part 1)

Sofia Weiss Goitiandia spoke for hours with Global Health scholar and activist Dalia Elhag. In this first article based on their conversation, Dalia talks about the roots of her committed feminism, which is at the heart of her activist work.
“We Need to Fight for Decriminalization”: Ryan Sutherland, MPH, interviews Beatrice Codianni, Founder and Executive Director of Sex Workers and Allies Network (SWAN), inspiration for “Esposito” of “Orange is the New Black” — Part 4 of 4

“…we need to decriminalize sex work and get people away from the idea that by arresting people it’s going to solve the problem. It’s not, ever. It never has and never will.”
“Ask Them What They Need”: Ryan Sutherland, MPH, interviews Beatrice Codianni, Founder and Executive Director of Sex Workers and Allies Network (SWAN), inspiration for “Esposito” of “Orange is the New Black” — Part 3 of 4

“…harm reduction is talking to people, finding out their needs, treating them with respect and dignity and fighting like hell for them against whoever’s trying to bring them down.”
“It’s Just a Revolving Door”: Ryan Sutherland, MPH, interviews Beatrice Codianni, Founder and Executive Director of Sex Workers and Allies Network (SWAN), inspiration for “Esposito” of “Orange is the New Black” — Part 2 of 4

“…If you’re serious about helping someone, get out of your office and go see where they live. See how it is on the street.”
“Support, Not Stigma”: Ryan Sutherland, MPH, interviews Beatrice Codianni, Founder and Executive Director of Sex Workers and Allies Network (SWAN), inspiration for “Esposito” of “Orange is the New Black” — Part 1 of 4

“…Our members do not feel safe talking to the police if they were raped, and with good reason. A couple of them told us that when they approached a police officer, their usual response was, ‘Well what do you expect? Look who you are, look where you are. And besides, prostitutes can’t get raped.'”
Ryan Sutherland, MPH, investigates restrictions on blood donation for men who have sex with men

Since the 1980s, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has maintained restrictive policies preventing men who have sex with men (MSM) from donating blood. Are these restrictions discriminatory or based on science?
Dr. Heather Tillewein discusses student sex workers in higher education

This blog explores why students turn to sex work; the stigma student sex workers face; and recommendations on how universities can be more inclusive of the student sex work population.
Dr. Heather Tillewein discusses mail-order brides and intimate partner violence

This blog addresses the realities of the mail-order bride business; its impacts on migrant brides; and how the U.S. enforces regulations that affects brides’ overall life in their new country.