Edition 37 – A framework for public health crises: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and where we go from here)
A framework for public health crises: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and where we go from here) By Louis Lin, Dominique G. Ruggieri Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Lin L, Ruggieri D. A Framework for public health crisis: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and […]
Edition 56 – Legislating the New Gilead: Implications of the Texas Heartbeat Act
Legislating the New Gilead: Implications of the Texas Heartbeat Act By Heather Tillewein, PhD, CHES, Abdul-Rahman Toufik, Wireko Andrew Awuah, Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, Duha Shellah, Alice Colescu, Candice Danielle Carpenter, MD, MBA, MPH, EdM, Circe Gray Le Compte, ScD, SM, Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Tillewein […]
Dr. Quinn M. Gentry highlights the significance of the color mauve
Dr. Quinn discusses the significance of the color mauve in highlighting the intersection of breast cancer and domestic violence.
Stories from Silent Survivors of Divine Punishment: Faith and Loomy Juice (Pt. 2)
I’ve heard people say the story of our lives is best told in the snapshot of those who show up for our funeral. Final services for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the South are often layered with stigma and controversy. Due to grief (and sometimes denial), families often eulogize the person in a way that is more reflective of who they wish the person was (rather than who they actually were at the time of their passing).
Edition 59 – Association Between Well-being and Community Assets in a Cohort of Youth Victims of Violence in an Urban Setting
Association Between Well-being and Community Assets in a Cohort of Youth Victims of Violence in an Urban Setting By Ashley Hollo, MD, MPH, Sara Kohlbeck, MPH, Mark Nimmer, BA, Michael Levas, MD, MS Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Hollo A, Kohlbeck S, Nimmer M, Levas M. Association between well-being and community assets in a cohortt of […]
Edition 54 – The Evaluation of Pro-competitive Policies Effectiveness from Taxed-based and Privatized Health Insurance Models
The Evaluation of Pro-Competitive Policies Effectiveness From Taxed-Based and Privatized Health Insurance Models By Todd Brown, MSc. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Brown T. The evaluation of pro-competitive policies effectiveness from taxed-based and privatized health insurance models. HPHR. 2022;54. 10.54111/0001/BBB5 The Evaluation of Pro-Competitive Policies Effectiveness From Taxed-Based and Privatized Health Insurance Models Abstract Introduction Healthcare […]
Edition 53 – Islamophobia as a Structural Determinant of Mental Health among Muslims in the U.S.
Islamophobia as a Structural Determinant of Mental Health among Muslims in the US By Nakisa Barzani Sadeghi, MPH Citation Sadeghi N. Islamophobia as a structural determinant of mental health among Muslims in the US. HPHR. 2021;53.10.54111/0001/AAA8 Islamophobia as a Structural Determinant of Mental Health among Muslims in the US Abstract Islamophobia is highly prevalent and […]
Edition 54 – Innovation Immersion Labs: A Novel Approach to Solving Public Health Challenges
Innovation Immersion Labs: A Novel Approach to Solving Public Health Challenges By Liris Stephanie Berra, BS, Sophie Becker, BFA, Meaghan Kennedy, MPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Berra L, Becker S, Kennedy M. Innovation immersion labs: a novel approach to solving public health challenges. HPHR. 2022;54. 10.54111/0001/BBB4 Innovation Immersion Labs: A Novel Approach to Solving Public […]
Edition 61 – A Call for Regulatory Clarity: “Switch” and “Quit Smoking” Marketing among Online Disposable E-Cigarette Sellers
A Call for Regulatory Clarity: “Switch” and “Quit Smoking” Marketing among Online Disposable E-Cigarette Sellers By Alexis R. Miranda, BS, Joanne G. Patterson, PhD, MPH, MSW, Devin LaPolt, BS, Ruva P. Rumano, MPH, Alexa M. Reynoso, BA, Micah L. Berman, JD, Brittney L. Keller-Hamilton, PhD, MPH, Megan E. Roberts, PhD, Amy K. Ferketich, PhD, MAS, […]
Edition 56 – Year-to-Year Comparison of Virginia’s Hepatitis Education and Patient Connection Referral on Release Program Outcomes for those Recently Released from Incarceration
Year-to-Year Comparison of Virginia’s Hepatitis Education and Patient Connection Referral on Release Program Outcomes for those Recently Released from Incarceration By Dr. Sylvia A.B. Caldwell, DHSc, MPH; Terry Knick-Kemp, MPH, BSN-BC; Dr. Rebecca Dillingham, MD, MPH; Dr. Jamie Smith, PharmD; Dr. Trey Fuller, PharmD, Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin […]