Public Health and the Pulpit

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam Public Health and the Pulpit Source: Wikimedia Commons Just 250 miles south of the capital of Tunisia, the northernmost African country and a hidden tourist paradise, lies the city of Al Qarawayan. Though this country is famous for its glorious sandy beaches and historical monuments, what is less known is […]
Rebecca discusses “American Education: Flawed by Design?” Part II

True Curriculum By Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 3: American Education- Flawed by Design? Part II Today we’re talking about We have to talk about this uncanny prison resemblance some more… It is good to see you again! Let’s get right into it. Last week we discussed the physical design of most modern American public schools. […]
Rebecca discusses what is “education” may really be about

True Curriculum By Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 4: So if we don’t educate…what are we doing? What exactly are we teaching in schools? Welcome back! Last time we were here we wrapped up our discussion on both the inward and outward design of school-prisons, which is how I will be addressing public schools from this […]
“We Need to Fight for Decriminalization”: Ryan Sutherland, MPH, interviews Beatrice Codianni, Founder and Executive Director of Sex Workers and Allies Network (SWAN), inspiration for “Esposito” of “Orange is the New Black” — Part 4 of 4

“…we need to decriminalize sex work and get people away from the idea that by arresting people it’s going to solve the problem. It’s not, ever. It never has and never will.”
“Ask Them What They Need”: Ryan Sutherland, MPH, interviews Beatrice Codianni, Founder and Executive Director of Sex Workers and Allies Network (SWAN), inspiration for “Esposito” of “Orange is the New Black” — Part 3 of 4

“…harm reduction is talking to people, finding out their needs, treating them with respect and dignity and fighting like hell for them against whoever’s trying to bring them down.”
“It’s Just a Revolving Door”: Ryan Sutherland, MPH, interviews Beatrice Codianni, Founder and Executive Director of Sex Workers and Allies Network (SWAN), inspiration for “Esposito” of “Orange is the New Black” — Part 2 of 4

“…If you’re serious about helping someone, get out of your office and go see where they live. See how it is on the street.”
“Support, Not Stigma”: Ryan Sutherland, MPH, interviews Beatrice Codianni, Founder and Executive Director of Sex Workers and Allies Network (SWAN), inspiration for “Esposito” of “Orange is the New Black” — Part 1 of 4

“…Our members do not feel safe talking to the police if they were raped, and with good reason. A couple of them told us that when they approached a police officer, their usual response was, ‘Well what do you expect? Look who you are, look where you are. And besides, prostitutes can’t get raped.'”
Naomi Fukuda discusses the need for Dentists in Rural America

This vlog discusses the critical need for more dental professionals in rural areas.
Javaid Iqbal discusses “Why the health of the incarcerated people in US matters”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Why the health of the incarcerated people in US matters The United States of America is often called the land of free and home of the brave. Yet, nearly 2.2 million adults are locked in prisons and jails across the United States as of 2016. If the number of people in prisons […]
Stuti Chakraborty reiterates the COVID-CVA connection

Stroke Reimagined By Stuti Chakraborty The COVID-CVA Connection: A ‘thrombosis’ is the medical term for a blood clot. Blood clots can occur within the arterial and venous supplies of our body, but when they occur in the vasculature supplying the brain, they lead to a deadly and potentially permanently disabling condition called ‘ischaemic stroke’. The […]