Edition 79 – WEBINAR Navigating Challenges and Pioneering Social Justice: The Journey of VULVAi

The webinar event, “Navigating Challenges and Pioneering Social Justice: The Journey of VULVAi,” held Wednesday, June 26, 2024, involved an in-depth conversation with VULVAi founder, Dr. Maria Uloko. She provided insight into the significant challenges faced in the founding of VULVAi and the innovative strategies employed to overcome them. Watch her webinar to discover key milestones, public health strategies, and the role of social justice in ensuring equitable healthcare access for all women. Learn about successful collaborations, the impact of AI technology, and future plans to revolutionize women’s healthcare through VULVAi.
Edition 79 – WEBINAR: Transforming Healthcare for LGBTQ+ Communities: Empowering Equity and Access Through Innovation with EquityMD

The webinar event, “Transforming Healthcare for LGBTQ+ Communities: Empowering Equity and Access Through Innovation with EquityMD,” on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, featured EqualityMD. The firm’s platform uses telehealth and an AI-powered platform to connect LGBTQIA+ individuals with culturally-aligned health care options. The approach is intended to help LGBTQIA+ individuals overcome the systemic discrimination and glaring data gaps in healthcare faced by LGBTQ+ communities.
Edition 79 – WEBINAR: Sonic Solutions: Addressing Chronic Pain and Stress Through Bioacoustics

The “Sonic Solutions: Addressing Chronic Pain and Stress Through Bioacoustics” webinar, held Wednesday, May 8, 2024, featured the Bioacoustics Lab (BAL), which explored the fascinating intersection of public health and bioacoustics. The BAL team discussed their digital therapeutics platform, which uses sound and vibrational frequencies to reduce stress and chronic pain for individuals, especially those in environments lacking social justice, thus improving health without systemic change. BAL is working to clinically validate the therapeutic efficacy of specific frequencies for specific indications.
Edition 79 – WEBINAR: Designing Health: The Welfie Pathway to Equity and Innovation in Public Health

The webinar, “Designing Health: The Welfie Pathway to Equity and Innovation in Public Health,” held Wednesday, May 1, 2024, featured Dr. Steven Moyo. He discussed his company Welfie, which leverages innovative approaches to community health promotion, disease prevention, and overall well-being.
86 – Common issues and challenges to collect socio-demographic and economic mHealth data by BRAC community health workers

Common Issues and Challenges to Collect Socio-demographic and Economic mHealth Data by BRAC Community Health Workers By Naimul Islam, MPH, MS; Monzur Morshed Patwary, PMP; Tanvir Hasan, PhD; Zahidul Qayyum, PhD Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Islam N, Patwary M, Hasan T, Qayyum Z. Common issues and challenges to collect socio-demographic and economic mHealth data by […]
88 – Trends in Out of Care HIV Status among People Living with HIV in Mississippi, 2017-2021

Trends in Out-of-Care HIV Status among People Living with HIV in Mississippi, 2017-2021 By Rita Momah DrPH, MPH; Elizabeth Jones, MPH, ABD; Dennis Nkaleke MD, MPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Momah R, Jones E, Nkaleke D. Trends in out-of-care HIV status among people living with HIV in Mississippi 2017-2021. HPHR. 2024;87. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/JJJJ2 Trends in Out-of-Care HIV […]
Edition 85 – Families First: Rural Maternity Health Collaborative Group Prenatal Care Curriculum

Families First: Rural Maternity Health Collaborative Group Prenatal Care Curriculum By Courtney Horton, MD; Johnna Nynas, MD; Clare Kelly, MD, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Horton C, Nynas J, Kelly C. Families first: rural maternity health collaborative group prenatal care curriculum. HPHR. 2024;85. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/GGGG10 Families First: Rural Maternity Health Collaborative Group Prenatal Care Curriculum Abstract American […]
Edition 85 – The Effect of Islamophobia on the Mental Health of Muslim Americans Following the Tragedy of September 11th

The Effect of Islamophobia on the Mental Health of Muslim Americans Following the Tragedy of September 11th By Sarah A. Alkhatib, Kaeli C. Johnson, Rohit Balasundaram, Aamana Burney, Dr. Nolan Kline, Dr. Stacey B. Griner Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Alkhatib S, Johnson K, Balasundaram R, Burney A, Kline N, Griner S. The effect of Islamophobia […]
Edition 79 – Bioethics Principles in Machine Learning-Healthcare Application Design: Achieving Health Justice and Health Equity

Bioethics Principles in Machine Learning-Healthcare Application Design: Achieving Health Justice and Health Equity By Dr. Roschelle L. Fritz, Dr. Connie Kim Yen Nguyen-Truong, Dr. Thomas May, Dr. Katherine Wuestney, Dr. Diane J. Cook Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Fritz RL, Nguyen-Truong CKY, May T, Wuestney K, Cook DJ. Bioethics principles in machine learning-healthcare application design: achieving health justice […]
Edition 78 – The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Life Course: A Case Study Using “The Haunting of Hill House” (2018)

The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Life Course: A Case Study Using “The Haunting of Hill House” (2018) By Alexandra N. Farris, MPH, CPH and Stacey B. Griner, PhD, MPH, CPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Farris A, Griner S. The impact of adverse childhood experiences on the life course: a case study using […]