A tale of two centuries

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam A tale of two centuries Towards the end of the 20th century, a 22-member committee of the World Bank produced the World Development Report. This flagship report on the state of health around the Globe served as a benchmark to understand and improve the health of nations (World Development […]
Matter over Words: A Conversation with Shehzad Ghias Shaikh

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam Matter over Words: A Conversation with Shehzad Ghias Shaikh There’s a phrase in Urdu ‘Dukh Hota Hai’ which, loosely translated, means ‘It hurts’. The word ‘dukh’ relates to grief or an overwhelming sense of pain. It is not a word you would associate with comedy. And yet, that’s the exact […]
Public Health and the Pulpit

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam Public Health and the Pulpit Source: Wikimedia Commons Just 250 miles south of the capital of Tunisia, the northernmost African country and a hidden tourist paradise, lies the city of Al Qarawayan. Though this country is famous for its glorious sandy beaches and historical monuments, what is less known is […]
The ones I wish to reach

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam The ones I wish to reach Source: Wikimedia Commons The woman is covered in ornaments from head to toe. She is sitting underneath a colorful umbrella that is enveloping her in a shadowy hue. Not that she needs the extra colors – she’s wrapped in an eye-catching Sari with splashes […]
Breaking the ice: A glance at therapeutic hypothermia

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam Breaking the Ice: A Glance at Therapeutic Hypothermia Dr. Anne Bagenholm rescue: Image copied from CNN Article. https://edition.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/10/12/cheating.death.bagenholm/ 20 May 1999 was the chosen date for a number of people and fate itself. For Dr. Anne Bagenholm, a surgical assistant at the Narvik Hospital, Norway, it was the day she […]
Dr. Butool Hisam discusses Pakistan Life Savers Programme: Making a difference with a pair of hands

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam Pakistan Life Savers Programme: Making a difference with a pair of hands The Parken Stadium in Denmark a long-standing witness to the loud cacophony of noises that erupt on each side from within it. It has housed major football matches and live music concerts. On Sunday, however, for a few […]
Dr. Butool Hisam discusses how misinformation is a global health crisis

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam Misinformation is a Global Health Crisis There is a Mosque named after Allama Iqbal, the ‘Poet of the East’, inside the Aligarh Muslim University in India. A road runs through with the Mosque on one side and a graveyard on the other. On 13th May 2021, this relatively quiet […]