Powerful Insights with Epidemiologist Celine Gounder: Part 1
Dr. Caroline Light gleans powerful insights on health equity in her conversation with Dr. Celine Gounder, epidemiologist, infectious disease specialist, and member of the Biden-Harris Transition COVID-19 Advisory Board.
Timely Reflections on Gun Violence: A Discussion with Journalist Abené Clayton, Part 2
Dr. Caroline Light continues her discussion about gun violence and the pandemic with journalist Abené Clayton in Part 2 of this 2-part series.
Timely Reflections on Gun Violence: A Discussion with Journalist Abené Clayton, Part 1
Dr. Caroline Light discusses homicide surge in the San Francisco Bay area during the pandemic with journalist Abené Clayton. This is Part 1 of a 2-part series.
Edition 35 – Untapped Potential: The Need for DrPH Professionals to Mitigate the Next Public Health Crisis, Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Untapped Potential: The Need for DrPH Professionals to Mitigate the Next Public Health Crisis, Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic By Brittany A. Comunale, MPH, MBA, Erin Jackson-Ward, MPH, Stacey A. Davis, MPH, Abigail Baldridge, MS, Laura P. Ward, MPH, MBA Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Comunale […]
In the Crosshairs: a blog about race, gender, and firearm violence by Dr. Caroline Light
Dr. Caroline Light introduces “In the Crosshairs” her incisive blog series exploring the intersections of race, gender, and firearm violence.
Dr. Ryan Montoya describes abortion consultation during the pandemic
Dr. Ryan Montoya sheds light on providing abortion consultations via telehealth during the pandemic.
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM highlights absurdities of navigating the modern health care system for children with complex needs (#8)
How can we provide the best care for our children if the process is so complex, and sometimes absurd?
Edition 14 – Health Reform in the U.S.: Same Evidence, Different Frames
Health Reform in the U.S.: Same Evidence, Different Frames By Eric Coles Citation Coles E. Health reform in the U.S. HPHR. Fall 2018;14. DOI: 10.54111/0001/N1 Health Reform in the U.S.: Same Evidence, Different Frames Though many celebrated the Republican failure last year to pass health care reform, it also contained a dark lining. For those who […]
Edition 14 – Flight Bans and the Ebola Crisis: Policy Recommendations for Future Global Health Epidemics
Flight Bans and the Ebola Crisis: Policy Recommendations for Future Global Health Epidemics By Chelsea Ferrell and Pulkit Agarwal Citation Ferrell C, Agarwal P. Flight bans and the Ebola crisis. Harvard Public Health Review. Fall 2018;14. DOI:10.54111/0001/N2 Flight Bans and the Ebola Crisis: Policy Recommendations for Future Global Health Epidemics Abstract Commercial airlines are positioned to […]
Edition 14 – Thank You, Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan
Thank You, Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan By Leigh B. Grossman, MD Citation Grossman L. Thank you, Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan. Harvard Public Health Review. Fall 2018;14. DOI:10.54111/0001/N3 Thank You, Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan I write to extend my gratitude to Mr. Thomas E. Duncan for having personally transported the Ebola virus to the United States. In […]