Edition 58 – Partnering for Human Trafficking Prevention: Implementing Love146’s Not a Number Curriculum through Minnesota’s Safe Harbor Program

Partnering for Human Trafficking Prevention: Implementing Love146’s Not a Number Curriculum through Minnesota’s Safe Harbor Program By Caroline Palmer, JD; Beatriz Menanteau, JD; Erin Glaccum, BS; Aria Flood, MPH; Jennifer Miller; Paula Schaefer, MS; Emma Cook, MPH/MSW; Matt Orley Citation Palmer C, Menanteau B, Glaccum E, Flood A, Miller J, Schaefer P, Cook E, Orley […]
Edition 47 – Medication Overload: An Overlooked Public Health Burden

Medication Overload: An Overlooked Public Health Burden By Ednner Oketch, MSc, MPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Oketch E. Medication overload: an overlooked public health burden. HPHR. 2022;47. 10.54111/0001/UU1 Medication Overload: An Overlooked Public Health Burden Polypharmacy, most commonly defined as the use of five or more medications concurrently, is associated adverse outcomes including increased risk […]
Edition 32 – Necessity Is the Mother of Invention: Advocating for Alternatives to Banked Blood

Necessity Is the Mother of Invention: Advocating for Alternatives to Banked Blood By Anusha Jayaram; Alaska Pendleton, MD; Rohini Dutta; Nobhojit Roy, MD, PhD; Nakul P. Raykar, MD, MPH Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Jayaram A; Pendleton A, Dutta R; Roy N, Raykar N. Necessity is the […]
Dr. Quinn M. Gentry discusses the significance of respecting individuals’ right to self-definition/self valuation in advancing black feminism in public health

Dr. Quinn discusses the significance of respecting individuals’ right to self-define/value in advancing black feminism in public health
Do Not Underestimate the Healing Power of Change

Do Not Underestimate the Healing Power of Change By Dr. Divij Sharma, MBBS Bombay Hospital and Research, Mumbai, India Abstract Healthcare innovation begets a promising future. Despite its shortcomings, and more so during the COVID pandemic, the world’s healthcare infrastructure has much to offer on several fronts. Technology, artificial intelligence and digital acceleration will undoubtedly […]
Edition 54 – Legislation Study in Public Health: An Exploration of the Mental Health Ordinance in Hong Kong

Legislation Study in Public Health: An Exploration of the Mental Health Ordinance in Hong Kong By Amelia Lo, MPH, MBA, LLB Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Lo A. Legislation study in public health: an exploration of the mental health ordinance in Hong Kong. HPHR. 2021;54. 10.54111/0001/BBB1 Legislation Study in Public Health: An Exploration of the Mental […]
The role of Primary Healthcare in Nigeria: a way forward

On today’s episode of the ‘‘Without Health we have nothing’’ series with HPHR Fellow Gabriel Oke, Dr Ifeanyi Nsofor the CEO of EpiAfric describes the state of primary health care in Nigeria. He also describes the functions of the Primary Healthcare system and gave recommendations on what can be done differently to improve primary healthcare in the country.
Yves Zuñiga unpacks vaccine equity and mental health

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH No one left behind: A roundtable discussion on the Philippine experience on vaccine equity and mental health More than a year has passed since the onset of COVID-19, and the world has mobilized efforts to mitigate the pandemic’s impact, such as mass vaccination to reach […]
Edition 35 – Examining Public Health Partnership with the Private Sector through the Lens of Power and Commercial Determinants of Health

Examining Public Health Partnership with the Private Sector through the Lens of Power and Commercial Determinants of Health By Vinu Ilakkuvan, DrPH, MSPH Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Ilakkuvan V. Examining public health partnership with the private sector through the lens of power and commercial determinants of […]
Edition 35 – What is Making Black Women fat? An Examination of the Impact of Race and Racism as Contributing Factors to Overweight and Obesity Health Disparities

What’s Impacting the Waistinlines of Black Women? An Examination of the Impact of Race and Racism as Contributing Factors to Overweight and Obesity Health Disparities By Jovonni Spinner, DrPH, MPH, CHES Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Spinner J. What’s Impacting the Waistinlines of Black Women? An Examination […]