Brian Shim discusses patient navigation in lung cancer screening

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Patient Navigation – Drawing the map to better cancer care Previously on Screen the Lungs!, we discussed some of the challenges and barriers that cancer patients face in deciding whether lung cancer screening is right for them. In today’s discussion, I want to talk more about how we […]
Brian Shim discusses the decision to screen for lung cancer

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Making the Decision to Screen: How can we make things easier for patients? Previously on Screen the Lungs!, we introduced some of the salient barriers that challenge lung cancer screening at the systems, provider, and patient levels. In this blog, I will discuss some of the challenges that patients […]
Brian Shim breaks down the multi-level barriers to lung cancer screening

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim What Makes Screening so Difficult? Dissecting the Multi-Level Barriers to Lung Cancer Screening Previously on Screen the Lungs!¸ we took a look at the deep disparities in lung cancer health and outcomes across the US that have persisted over time. Lung cancer screening (LCS) using low-dose CT scans (LDCT) […]
Brian Shim shares an overview of lung cancer, screening, and disparities

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Introduction to Lung Cancer, Disparities, and Screening Introduction to Lung Cancer Health and Disparity Despite striding progress in cancer research and care, lethality in lung cancer persists as the disease continues to evade control efforts nationwide. The prevalence of smoking, the leading risk factor for lung cancer, has declined […]
Sleep and Mental Health in Students

Sleep and Mental Health in Students By James Davis Sleep and Mental Health in Students Student mental health concerns are on the rise (Chirikov et al., 2020). Schools expanding mental health support do so amid regular questions of efficacy (Chamberlin, 2009). Despite many well-intended initiatives, mental health trends have not changed much over the years. […]
Time is Never Enough: Stuti Chakraborty emphasises on the reality behind Young Strokes (Part 1)

Stroke Reimagined By Stuti Chakraborty Time is Never Enough: The reality behind young strokes (Part 1) Prevalence of strokes among young people has increased over the recent past and emerging data has raised significant public health concerns. However, there is still a lack of research and public health initiatives on young stroke. Young adults […]
Time is Never Enough: Stuti Chakraborty emphasises on the reality behind Young Strokes (Part 2)

Stroke Reimagined By Stuti Chakraborty Time is Never Enough: The reality behind Young Strokes (Part 2) In the first part of this series, I provided insight into the extent of impact of stroke on young adults, globally and highlighted the risk factors for precipitating the occurrence of a stroke. In this part, I will discuss […]
Dr. Rofadun Nisa and Javaid Iqbal discusses “Healthcare in Kashmir”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Health Care in Kashmir *All authors contributed equally to this publication (Rofadun Nisa and Javaid Iqbal) The weight of delivering health care during a pandemic is heavy—it is even more so when this is happening in a society suffering from a protracted socio-political conflict for the last seven decades. […]
The GOLDEN TRIAD OF EPD: Prevention (Part 2)

Stroke Reimagined By Stuti Chakraborty The Golden Triad of EPD in Stroke: Prevention (Part 2) Apart from early prediction or detection of stroke, and its related outcomes, it is also imperative to ensure the primary prevention of stroke. This is of relevance from a public health perspective because ensuring the health of billions of people […]
Stuti Chakraborty proposes the GOLDEN TRIAD OF EPD: Early Prevention and Detection in Stroke (Part 1)

Stroke Reimagined By Stuti Chakraborty Detection and Prediction of stroke outcomes have been recent advancements of AI-ML, especially with the help of imaging data The “EPD” In Stroke: Golden Triad of Early Prevention and Detection – Part 1 Through the past blogs and vlogs in this series, we have come to realise the utmost urgency […]