Ryan Sutherland, MPH, discusses the Biden Administration’s Reinstatement of Transgender Health Protections

The Biden administration overturned a Trump-era policy to align the definition of “sex” in Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act to again include sexual orientation and gender identity in addition to biological sex. How does this protect transgender health?
Dr. Ananya Awasthi discusses dietary diversity and how it could be a game changer in fighting India’s malnutrition problem

The blog discusses the importance of Dietary Diversity and how it could be a game changer in fighting India’s Malnutrition problem?
Bibi Chaterpateah discusses vaginal breech birth as an option

In her fourth blog, Bibi talks about vaginal birth as an option for babies with breech presentations
Randevyn Pierre discusses “Black Healthcare Hesitancy and Its Impact Profile 102: The Brown Paper Bag”

“I used to see my mother and grandmother get these brown paper bags full of medications thrown at them. I was sitting there trying to help my mother read and understand them.”
Bibi Chaterpateah shares why “Call the Midwife” is a Netflix Must Watch!

In this blog, Bibi shares why you should watch the drama series Call the Midwife
Dr. Hannah Nazri discusses “Can social media lead to health illiteracy and should doctors be online?”

Dr. Hannah Nazri discusses the role of social media in promoting health illiteracy and whether doctors should be online.
Rasheera Dopson discusses Black Lives Matter – Part 1: The decline of Black men’s health

In the 21st century progression and health equity are assumed to be a given, yet the health of Black men has yet to improve.
Dr. Ananya Awasthi discusses five lessons on public health that India can learn from the coronavirus

The blog discusses five lessons on Public Health that India can learn from the Coronavirus
Joanna Burke-Bajaj on how guaranteed income policies can reduce IPV

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj How Guaranteed Income Policies Can Reduce IPV Within the field of Public Health, there is significant focus on reducing disease and illness, and with extensive discussions regarding topics like increasing uptake of vaccines or lowering waiting times for primary care, it can be easy to overlook the role of […]
Ryan Sutherland, MPH, discusses the importance of patent waivers on COVID-19 vaccine production and distribution

Do patent waivers for COVID-19 vaccines really increase production and distribution?