Rebecca Elliott answers the question: Is the American education system “healthy”?

True Curriculum Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 8: Is American Education Healthy? Revisited It is time to answer our original question… Welcome back. Last week, we talked about the economics of education, and how it actually may be beneficial for the system at large to prioritize building ignorant, obedient workers, rather than curious, competent students. At […]

Rebecca Elliott discusses the Economics of Education

True Curriculum Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 7: The Economics of Education Here we go… Well friends, so far in our journey we have covered a lot. We discussed the purpose of education, and how the way the United States does schooling is far from reaching the desired goal. We talked about the messages sent by […]

Ryan Sutherland, MPH, and the Dahuni Foundation address cyberbullying, a global public health problem

Ryan Sutherland, MPH, and the Dahuni Foundation address cyberbullying, a global public health problem

Defined by the American Psychological Association as a “form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort,” bullying is a widespread social problem and represents an overlooked area of public health. Social media and access to internet-connecting devices undoubtedly expose children to cyberbullying and cyber harm. What are steps we can take to address this global public health problem?