Edition 15 – What Are We Willing to Pay to Be Unhealthy?: A Markov Model for Diabetes Prevention

What Are We Willing to Pay to Be Unhealthy?: A Markov Model for Diabetes Prevention By Justin Whetten Citation Whetten J. What are we willing to pay to be unhealthy?: a Markov model for diabetes prevention. Harvard Public Health Review. Fall 2018;15. DOI:10.54111/0001/O4 What Are We Willing to Pay to Be Unhealthy?: A Markov Model for Diabetes […]
Edition 15 – Dear Medicine: Diabetes Prevention Is Not Your Battle to Fight

Dear Medicine: Diabetes Prevention Is Not Your Battle to Fight By Braulio Torres and Elena Rose Atkinson Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Torres B, Atkinson E. Dear medicine: diabetes prevention is not your battle to fight. Harvard Public Health Review. Fall 2018;15. DOI:10.54111/0001/O5 Dear Medicine: Diabetes Prevention Is […]
Edition 1 – Addressing Social Inequities to Create a More Just, Fair and Equitable World

Addressing Social Inequities to Create a More Just, Fair and Equitable World A Conversation with Dr. Nancy Krieger By Dr. Circe G. Le Compte Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Le Compte C. Addressing social inequities to create a more just, fair and equitable world: a conversation with Nancy Krieger. Harvard Public Health Review. Spring 2014;1. DOI: 10.54111/0001a/1. […]
Edition 1 – ObamaCare’s 2014 Report Card? Preaching Patience — to Supporters and Opponents

ObamaCare’s 2014 Report Card? Preaching Patience — to Supporters and Opponents By Dr. Benjamin D. Sommers, MD, PhD Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Sommers B. ObamaCare’s 2014 report card? preaching patience — to supporters and opponents. Harvard Public Health Review. Spring 2014;1. 10.54111/0001A/2 ObamaCare’s 2014 Report Card? Preaching Patience — to Supporters and Opponents The first open enrollment […]
Edition 1 – Was Mayor Bloomberg a Nanny?

Was Mayor Bloomberg a Nanny? By Cass R. Sunstein, JD Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Sunstein C. Was Mayor Bloomberg a nanny? Harvard Public Health Review. Spring 2014;1. 10.54111/0001A/3 Was Mayor Bloomberg a Nanny? The Center for Consumer Freedom Responded With A Vivid Advertisement, Depicting Mayor Bloomberg In A (scary) Nanny Outfit. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg […]
Edition 4 – Europe and the United Nations: Clinical Trials, Not Criminal Trials

Europe and the United Nations: Clinical Trials, Not Criminal Trials By Amir Attaran, Roger Bate, Stefano Bonino, and Paul Newton Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Attaran A, Bate R, Bonino S, Newton P. Special commentary: Europe and the United Nations: clinical trials, not criminal trials. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2015;4. 10.54111/0001/D1 Europe and the United Nations: […]
Edition 1 – Medicare for All: The Way Forward

Medicare for All: The Way Forward By Don Berwick, MD Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation .Berwick D. Medicare for all: the way forward. Harvard Public Health Review. Spring 2014;1.10.54111/0001A/4 Medicare for All: The Way Forward Massachusetts faces serious issues: A school system that is good, but leaves some kids and communities behind; a transportation system in disrepair; […]
Edition 3 – Trends in US Deaths Due to Legal Intervention Among Black and White Men, Age 15-34 Years, by County Income Level: 1960-2010

Trends in US Deaths Due to Legal Intervention Among Black and White Men, Age 15-34 Years, by County Income Level: 1960-2010 By Nancy Krieger, PhD, Mathew V. Kiang, MPH, Jarvis T. Chen, DSc, and Pamela D. Waterman, MPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Krieger N, Kiang M, Chen J, Waterman P. Trends in U.S. deaths due […]
Edition 30 – Thinking Beyond Purpose-Built Communities: A Vision to Create Structural Change for Housing in the United States

Thinking Beyond Purpose-Built Communities: A Vision to Create Structural Change for Housing in the United States By Kate S. Meyer, MPH Citation Meyer K. Thinking beyond purpose-built communities: a vision to create structural change for housing in the United States. HPHR. 2021; 28. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD10 Thinking Beyond Purpose-Built Communities: A Vision to Create Structural Change for […]
Edition 3 – Capable Guardians

Capable Guardians By Felton Earls, M.D. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Earls F. Capable guardians. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2015;3. 10.54111/0001/C3 Capable Guardians We, HSPH students and faculty, are living in a nation that is not flourishing. To quote Martin Luther King, “We may have come in different ships, but we are now in the same […]