Edition 31 – Drug Supply Shortage in India During COVID-19 Pandemic: Efforts and Challenges

This paper discusses the current situation of pharmaceutical industries in India and its repercussions on general health.
Edition 31 – Part III: Case Study: COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Cameron County, Texas

One U.S. community appears to be at least marginally protected from health misinformation: Cameron County, Texas, which has been an U.S. epicenter for H1N1, Zika virus, and now COVID-19.
Edition 31 – Part I: Misinformation in Public Health Emergencies

Health misinformation has far reaching and potentially damaging impacts on behavior, including vaccine hesitancy.
Edition 31 – Evaluating Communication of Public Health Policy and Guidelines to Physicians and Clinic Staff During a Pandemic

Communication overload is a substantial trial during a pandemic. One major obstacle is the overwhelming amount of changing public health guidelines and clinic policies.
Edition 32 – A Global Neurosurgery Approach to Reducing the Burden of Traumatic Acute Subdural Hematoma: A Narrative Review

This narrative review highlights the importance of timely neurosurgical interventional after a person suffers from a motor vehicle accident.
Edition 32 – Bridging the Gap in Surgical Patient Education: A Visual-Based Approach

Bridging the Gap in Surgical Patient Education: A Visual-Based Approach By Christina Shree Chopra, Youssef Aref, Christina Pecora, Leslie Ghisletta Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Chopra C, Youssef A, Pecora C, Ghisletta L. Bridging the gap in surgical patient education: a visual-based approach. HPHR. 2021; 32. DOI: […]
Edition 33 – Migrant Worker Safety, Occupational Health Equity, and Labor Trafficking

Migrant Worker Safety, Occupational Health Equity, and Labor Trafficking By Jaya Prakash; Inkyu Kim, MD; Timothy B. Erickson, MD, FACEP, FACMT; Hanni Stoklosa, MD, MPH Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Prakash J, Kim I, Erickson T, Stoklosa H. Migrant worker safety, occupational health equity, and labor trafficking. HPHR. […]
Edition 33 – Covid-19 and Workplace Policy Re-Imagined: What Is Health and Safety Without Equity?

How can one piece of legislation, drafted over 50 years ago, remain relevant in the modern workplace?
Edition 33 – Utilizing Employer Created Social Support Programs to Assist Frontline Nurses to Cope with the Psychological Symptoms of Trauma-Induced Stress and Burnout Connected to Patient Death During the COVID-19 Healthcare Crisis in the United States

The term pandemic has received multiple definitions in the medical literature on infectious disease.
Edition 33 – Mobilizing Public Health Professionals to Support Journalists and Fact-Checkers During the Covid-19 Pandemic

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an infodemic- a flood of epidemic-related information- that encompasses a plethora of misinformation that has arisen from rapidly evolving science, uncertainty, information gaps, and special interests.