Expedited Publishing Campaigns

Expedited Publishing About Expedited Publishing BCPHR holds three expedited publishing periods per year. (The current period is being held February 26-April 15, 2024.) During these times, all submissions undergo an expedited peer review process. (Blogs are not peer-reviewed, but receive immediate review from BCPHR editorial staff.) Successfully reviewed materials can be published in as little […]
Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics HPHR has established clear policies to facilitate ethical publishing. Authorship and Contributorship HPHR identifies authorship at the beginning of each published piece and contributorship or acknowledgements within a statement at the end of each piece as appropriate. Authorship HPHR identifies authorship at the beginning of each published piece and contributorship or acknowledgements within […]
Peer Review at HPHR

Peer Review Guidelines and Ethics BCPHR Peer Review Process Once articles are submitted, the managing editor conducts an initial review to ensure the manuscript meets all submission guidelines. It is then assigned to an associate editor who reads the piece to ensure it aligns with the mission and vision of the journal and is worthy […]
About HPHR Journal

About BCPHR (Formerly HPHR & Harvard Public Health Review) https://youtu.be/ThYuEbvXp_Y The Boston Congress of Public Health Review (BCPHR), formerly known as HPHR Journal and Harvard Public Health Review, is published by the Boston Congress of Public Health (BCPH), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Mission: The mission of BCPHR is to improve health equity and social justice globally through […]

Supplements About BCPHR Supplements Supplements are special collections of manuscripts, including research articles, op-eds, policy papers, notes from the field, and other pieces related to a research study, intervention, and/or program. While similar to those produced by other academic journals, BCPHR offers organizations seeking to publish supplements several unique features: A dedicated editorial liaison, […]
Equity Guidelines

Equity Guidelines What Is Health Equity? Health Equity “involves the fair distribution of resources needed for health, fair access to the opportunities available, and fairness in the support offered to people when ill”.1 According to the concept of ‘Health Equity’, an individual’s ethnicity, race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or other social condition, […]
Social Justice Guidelines

Social Justice Guidelines What is Social Justice? Social Justice involves the societal creation of fairness whereby individual rights are protected and realized, and all have access to opportunities, services, and resources. The enactment of social justice often involves a mindset of inclusivity and concepts of equity, access, equal privileges, diversity, and the protection and upholding […]
Indexing Guidelines

Indexing Requirements Indexing Requirements Journal policies on authorship and contributorship HPHR identifies authorship at the beginning of each published piece and contributorship or acknowledgements within a statement at the end of each piece as appropriate. Authorship Authors – may be identified as those who have made substantial contribution to the work (which may include all […]
Special Edition Anthology – Mental Health, 2022

Special Edition Anthology: Mental Health Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Special Edition Anthology: Mental Health Deadline: July 22, 2022 HPHR Journal (formerly Harvard Public Health Review) announces a call for submissions for an upcoming anthology of written works focusing on disparities and inequities in mental health experienced by […]
There is no Universal Health Coverage without strong political will

In this post, Gabriel described how strong political will is important for the actualization of Universal Health Coverage