Edition 36 – Perceptions of the COVID-19 Vaccines and Rationale Surrounding the Decision to Vaccinate Among Pregnant Women of Color in the United States Lessons Learned from Four Focus Groups

Perceptions of the COVID-19 Vaccines and Rationale Surrounding the Decision to Vaccinate Among Pregnant Women of Color in the United States: Lessons Learned From Four Focus Groups Kathryn Mishkin, DrPH, MPH, MA Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Mishkin K. Perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccines and rationale surrounding the decision to vaccinate among pregnant women of color […]
Randevyn Pierre discusses “Black Healthcare Stigma and Its Impact: Fowlkes’ 40-Year Fight for Health Equity in HIV”

“Imagine working in an office where you know that everyone who comes through the doors is gonna die.
I remember telling one of my clients who was dying that I didn’t know if I could continue doing the work anymore, because I wasn’t making a difference and I couldn’t keep watching people die.
He told me I had an obligation to help everyone I saw, even if I only saved one life in all the time I worked in HIV/AIDS. That was over 30 years ago.” – Earl Fowlkes
Randevyn Pierre discusses “Black Healthcare Hesitancy and Its Impact: From the Desk of the Author”

Randevyn Pierre has collected and shared the experiences of a number of African Americans around healthcare hesitancy and medical mistrust.
In this piece, he exposes his own thoughts and experiences in navigating his journey through the healthcare landscape.
Pierre also infuses key learnings from his public health knowledge as well as other accounts from interviewees.
Randevyn Pierre discusses “Black Healthcare Hesitancy and Its Impact The 100 Series”

Former President Barack Obama is famously quoted as saying, “we have more in common than we have things that divide us.”
This philosophy may or may not have moved the needle on this country’s politics around human decency, but perhaps it offers us a start to reducing healthcare hesitancy in exam rooms all over the United States.
Randevyn Pierre discusses “Black Healthcare Hesitancy and Its Impact Profile 104: Healthcare Through Angela’s Eyes (Part 2 of 2)”

During Angela Braden’s battle to preserve her sight, the medical mistrust of her support system took an unexpected turn as her Black family immediately questioned the qualifications and competence of a Black physician. Soon thereafter, they were confronted with their worse fears.
Acutely unwell? Science communication in the COVID-19 vaccine case

In this blog, science communication is discussed in the context of vaccine hesitancy, particularly with regards to COVID-19 vaccines. Possible strategies to address this challenge are explored, whilst leaving room for nuance.
Thriving Beyond COVID Series-Tanjila A

In this installment from her Thriving Beyond COVID Series, Bibi Chaterpateah shares the pregnancy experience of Tangila A., who lives with endometriosis and PCOS
Randevyn Pierre’s Podcast Review of Black Healthcare Hesitancy and Its Impact: Profiles 102 – 103

Listen to the radio show-style break down of our conversation around Black health and its historically relevant trust-related barriers over coffee.
Randevyn Pierre discusses “Black Healthcare Hesitancy and Its Impact Profile 104: Healthcare Through Angela’s Eyes (Part 1 of 2)”

During Angela Braden’s battle to preserve her sight, the medical mistrust of her support system took an unexpected turn as her Black family immediately questioned the qualifications and competence of a Black physician. Soon thereafter, they were confronted with their worse fears.
Thriving Beyond COVID Series-Sasha K.

Local independent school teacher, Sasha K. shares her story about pregnancy in a global pandemic