Stuti Chakraborty proposes the GOLDEN TRIAD OF EPD: Early Prevention and Detection in Stroke (Part 1)

Stroke Reimagined By Stuti Chakraborty Detection and Prediction of stroke outcomes have been recent advancements of AI-ML, especially with the help of imaging data The “EPD” In Stroke: Golden Triad of Early Prevention and Detection – Part 1 Through the past blogs and vlogs in this series, we have come to realise the utmost urgency […]
Javaid Iqbal discusses “Rise of Racist Machines”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Rise of Racist Machines Machine learning is the application of algorithms and data to make decisions. Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are used in nearly every industry. They have already become an indispensable part of our lives. Science fiction has become a reality. MIT is starting a new […]
Edition 34 – Mental Health and Postpartum Mortality in the COVID-19 Era

Mental Health and Postpartum Mortality in the COVID-19 Era By Ada Hsieh, MD Citation Hsieh A. Mental health and postpartum mortality in the COVID-19 era. HPHR. 2021;34. DOI:10.54111/0001/HH7 Mental Health and Postpartum Mortality in the COVID-19 Era Abstract Mental health concerns have increased significantly over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic while disproportionately affecting young […]
Edition 34 – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Access in the U.S.: A Multifactorial Challenge with Dynamic Policy

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Access in the U.S.: A Multifactorial Challenge with Dynamic Policy By Kelila Kahane, MPH and Joshua Blake Morof, MPH Citation Kahane K, Morof J. Child and adolescent mental health access in the U.S.: a multifactorial challenge with dynamic policy. HPHR. 2021;34. DOI:10.54111/0001/HH9 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Access in the […]
Edition 31 – Medical School During a Pandemic: A Retrospective Study on U.S. Medical School Reopening Policies

Medical School During a Pandemic: A Retrospective Study on U.S. Medical School Reopening Policies By Andrea L. Klein, BS; Daniel J. Muller, BA, MPhil; Zach Silverstein, BS, MHS Citation Klein A, Muller D, Silverstein Z. Medical school during a pandemic: a retrospective study on U.S. medical school reopening policies. HPHR. 2021;31. DOI:10.54111/0001/EE1 Medical School During […]
Edition 34 – Mifepristone’s REMS Criteria: Dangerous During COVID-19 and Beyond

Mifepristone’s REMS Criteria: Dangerous During COVID-19 and Beyond By Claudia Flores, Kristyn Brandi, Chloe Phillips Citation Flores C, Brandi K, Phillips C. Mifepristone’s REMS criteria: dangerous during COVID-19 and beyond. HPHR. 2021;34. DOI:10.54111/0001/HH18 Mifepristone’s REMS Criteria: Dangerous During COVID-19 and Beyond At a time when COVID-19 transmission is peaking, millions of women have reduced access […]
Edition 29 – Taiwan Model to COVID-19 Response

Taiwan Model to COVID-19 Response By Catherine Hermoso; Christos Tsagkaris; Elaine May Laguilles; Gladson Vaghela; Donnatella Mastropieri; Jerome Ganzon; Gilbert Bernardino, Jr; Nenita Panaligan; Myra Oruga; Attaullah Ahmadi; Don Eliseo Lucero-Prisno, II Citation Hermoso C, Tsagkaris C, Laguilles E, Vaghela G, Mastropieri D, Ganzon J, Bernardino G, Panaligan N, Oruga M, Ahmadi A, Lucero-Prisno D. Taiwan […]
29 – Utilizing Employer Created Social Support Programs to Assist Frontline Nurses to Cope with the Psychological Symptoms of Trauma-Induced Stress and Burnout Connected to Patient Death During the COVID-19 Healthcare Crisis in the United States

Utilizing Employer Created Social Support Programs to Assist Frontline Nurses to Cope with the Psychological Symptoms of Trauma-Induced Stress and Burnout connected to Patient Death during the COVID-19 Healthcare Crisis in the United States By Mitchell A. Kaplan, PhD; Rohan Sumrah, BSN- RN, CCM; Marian Inguanzo, LMSW, ACSW Citation Kaplan M, Sumrah R, Inguanzo M. […]
Edition 29 – Yemen Health Care Crisis: Challenges in Yemen During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Yemen Health Care Crisis: Challenges in Yemen During the COVID-19 Pandemic By Firas M. Al-Rshoud, Haya Mohammed Abujledan, Nusaibah Tawfik ALsanabani, Azmi Abdullah Qudsi, Abdulmalik Idris Koya, Hazar AL.Akash, Hashim Talib Citation Al-Rshoud F, Abujledan H, ALsanabani N , Qudsi A, Koya A, AL.Akash H, Talib H. Yemen health care crisis: challenges in Yemen during […]
Javaid Iqbal discusses “Why Data Are Not Enough To Change Human Behavior”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Why Data Are Not Enough To Change Human Behavior Covid cases are rising across the United States due to the transmission of the delta variant. The steepest increases have been in the South, where Florida, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina are dealing with the most extensive outbreaks in the […]