Claire Bunn Investigates The History of Community Health Centers

Today, CHCs are responsible for serving as the primary source of care for over 28 million patients in over 13,000 communities all across the nation. Yet these widespread facilities originated in the Mississippi Delta as an innovative solution to the health disparities plaguing the region.
Claire Bunn Explores Understanding and Responding to Community Needs with Dr. John J. Green

“There’s a lot more diversity in these places than I think people from the outside understand.”
Timely Reflections on Gun Violence: A Discussion with Journalist Abené Clayton, Part 2

Dr. Caroline Light continues her discussion about gun violence and the pandemic with journalist Abené Clayton in Part 2 of this 2-part series.
Timely Reflections on Gun Violence: A Discussion with Journalist Abené Clayton, Part 1

Dr. Caroline Light discusses homicide surge in the San Francisco Bay area during the pandemic with journalist Abené Clayton. This is Part 1 of a 2-part series.
In the Crosshairs: a blog about race, gender, and firearm violence by Dr. Caroline Light

Dr. Caroline Light introduces “In the Crosshairs” her incisive blog series exploring the intersections of race, gender, and firearm violence.
Dr. Ryan Montoya describes abortion consultation during the pandemic

Dr. Ryan Montoya sheds light on providing abortion consultations via telehealth during the pandemic.
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM highlights absurdities of navigating the modern health care system for children with complex needs (#8)

How can we provide the best care for our children if the process is so complex, and sometimes absurd?
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM discusses Health Literacy, Health Equity, and Housing: Focus on the Section 8 Housing Search (#7)

Housing is Health. Health Equity is Health Literacy. What can we do to make systems better so people can use them and improve their health?
Edition 7 – Improving Communities, Improving Health

Improving Communities, Improving Health By Jeffrey Sanchez Citation Sanchez J. Improving communities, improving health. Harvard Public Health Review. Summer 2015;7. Improving Communities, Improving Health When we talk about health care, we are often referring to hospitals or other acute facilities, imagining women and men in scrubs, long waits in emergency rooms, that distinctive smell of disinfectant. […]
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM talks with physician, researcher and children’s author Dr. Kimberly Narain about her book: Cycle of a Dream – A Kids’ Introduction to Structural Racism in America (#6)

How do we talk to kids (and others) about structural racism? Why, a children’s book, of course!