Brian Shim breaks down the multi-level barriers to lung cancer screening

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim What Makes Screening so Difficult? Dissecting the Multi-Level Barriers to Lung Cancer Screening Previously on Screen the Lungs!¸ we took a look at the deep disparities in lung cancer health and outcomes across the US that have persisted over time. Lung cancer screening (LCS) using low-dose CT scans (LDCT) […]

Sherry Wu explores the impact of social isolation on residents in long-term care

Sherry Wu explores the impact of social isolation on residents in long-term care

Getting Curious with Sherry By Sherry Wu Impact of Social Isolation on Residents in Long-Term Care Hey there, thanks for dropping by. Whether today’s topic is new to you or something you are deeply passionate about, I hope my exploration will bring you new perspectives to ponder.   Feel free to listen to the blog’s […]

Brian Shim shares an overview of lung cancer, screening, and disparities

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Introduction to Lung Cancer, Disparities, and Screening Introduction to Lung Cancer Health and Disparity Despite striding progress in cancer research and care, lethality in lung cancer persists as the disease continues to evade control efforts nationwide. The prevalence of smoking, the leading risk factor for lung cancer, has declined […]

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Rasheera Dopson discusses the Age of Health Equity

Screen the Lungs​ By Brian Shim Screen the Lungs At the center of health justice lies the answer of equity. Rasheera Dopson Tweet The Age of Health Equity   In the past year of many buzz words, we’ve have been hearing about the concept of equity in healthcare. When looking at the most basic definition […]