Edition 1 – Health Equity

Edition 1, Health Equity

This edition spotlights policy issues concerning population health and probes deeper into their impact and effectiveness. It does so through several key articles centering on: issues of stakeholder responsibility around inequitable conditions, the 2013 Affordable Care Act, a response to behaviorally informed initiatives, and the idea of a single-payer healthcare system. HPHR hopes to stimulate active dialogue on these issues through deliberation, policy evaluation, and research in the hopes of addressing such challenges.


Catherine Tsasis, Associate Editor, HPHR

Addressing Social Inequities to Create a More Just, Fair and Equitable World A Conversation with Dr. Nancy Krieger By Dr. Circe G.

ObamaCare’s 2014 Report Card? Preaching Patience — to Supporters and Opponents By Dr. Benjamin D. Sommers, MD, PhD Share on facebook Facebook

Was Mayor Bloomberg a Nanny? By Cass R. Sunstein, JD Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn

Medicare for All: The Way Forward By Don Berwick, MD Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn