Edition 29 – Taiwan Model to COVID-19 Response

Taiwan Model to COVID-19 Response By Catherine Hermoso; Christos Tsagkaris; Elaine May Laguilles; Gladson Vaghela; Donnatella Mastropieri; Jerome Ganzon; Gilbert Bernardino, Jr; Nenita Panaligan; Myra Oruga; Attaullah Ahmadi; Don Eliseo Lucero-Prisno, II Citation Hermoso C, Tsagkaris C, Laguilles E, Vaghela G, Mastropieri D, Ganzon J, Bernardino G, Panaligan N, Oruga M, Ahmadi A, Lucero-Prisno D. Taiwan […]
29 – Utilizing Employer Created Social Support Programs to Assist Frontline Nurses to Cope with the Psychological Symptoms of Trauma-Induced Stress and Burnout Connected to Patient Death During the COVID-19 Healthcare Crisis in the United States

Utilizing Employer Created Social Support Programs to Assist Frontline Nurses to Cope with the Psychological Symptoms of Trauma-Induced Stress and Burnout connected to Patient Death during the COVID-19 Healthcare Crisis in the United States By Mitchell A. Kaplan, PhD; Rohan Sumrah, BSN- RN, CCM; Marian Inguanzo, LMSW, ACSW Citation Kaplan M, Sumrah R, Inguanzo M. […]