Rasha Kaloti Discusses Refugees and COVID-19 in Jordan: Obstacles & Opportunities, a Conversation with Dr Akihiro Seita

A conversation with Dr Akihiro Seita, the director of health at UNRWA, discussing the situation of Palestinian refugees in Jordan amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Edition 12 – Refugee Resettlement: An Important but Neglected Part of Global Health

Refugee Resettlement: An Important but Neglected Part of Global Health By Sumit Agarwal, MD, MPH Citation Agarwal S. Refugee resettlement: an important but neglected part of global health. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2017-2018;12. DOI:10.54111/0001/L2 Refugee Resettlement: An Important but Neglected Part of Global Health Seven days after taking the oath of office and with the stroke […]
Edition 9 – Victims of a Broken System: A Syrian Refugee Family’s Struggle for Healthcare in Lebanon

Victims of a Broken System: A Syrian Refugee Family’s Struggle for Healthcare in Lebanon By Lara Jirmanus MD, MPH Citation Jirmanus L. Victims of a broken system: a Syrian refugee family’s struggle for healthcare in Lebanon. Harvard Public Health Review. Spring 2016;9. Victims of a Broken System: A Syrian Refugee Family’s Struggle for Healthcare in Lebanon […]
Edition 9 – A Collaborative Approach to Promoting Continuing Care for Refugees: Philadelphia’s Strategies and Lessons Learned

A Collaborative Approach to Promoting Continuing Care for Refugees: Philadelphia’s Strategies and Lessons Learned By Brittany DiVito MPH, BSN, RN; Colleen Payton MPH; Gretchen Shanfeld MPH; Marc Altshuler MD; Kevin Scott MD Citation DiVito B, Payton C, Shanfeld G, Altshuler M, Scott K. A collaborative approach to promoting continuing care for refugees: philadelphia’s strategies and […]
Edition 9 – Accepting Refugees: Alternative Arguments for Canada

Accepting Refugees: Alternative Arguments for Canada By Michelle Amri, MPA Citation Amri M. Accepting refugees: alternative arguments for Canada. Harvard Public Health Review. Spring 2016;9. Accepting Refugees: Alternative Arguments for Canada The Canadian federal election came to an end on October 19, 2015, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promising to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees to […]
Edition 9 – Healthcare Recommendations for Recently Arrived Refugees: Observations from EthnoMed

Healthcare Recommendations for Recently Arrived Refugees: Observations from EthnoMed By J. Carey Jackson MD, MPH, MA; Mahri Haider MD, MPH; Christine Wilson Owens BA; Nicole Ahrenholz MD; Alexandra Molnar MD; Beth Farmer LICSW; and Genji Terasaki MD Citation Jackson J, Haider M, Owens C, Ahrenholz N, Molnar A, Farmer B, and Terasaki G. Healthcare recommendations […]
Unheard Voices: A Transatlantic Comparison of Refugee and Marginalized Group’s Healthcare Experiences: A Photo Essay

Unheard Voices: A Transatlantic Comparison of Refugee and Marginalized Group’s Healthcare Experiences By Aditya Milun Mittal Unheard Voices: A Transatlantic Comparison of Refugee and Marginalized Group’s Healthcare Experiences As the U.S. healthcare system undergoes reconstruction, refugee voices are not prominent voices in that discussion. New immigrant and refugees are covered under Medicaid yet experience a […]