Rebecca Elliott answers the question: Is the American education system “healthy” – where do we go from here?

True Curriculum Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 9: Where do we go from here? Time to say goodbye… Well, here we are, the final blog. If you have made it this far, I want to give a sincere thank you for sticking around all summer while we educate ourselves on American “education”. We have discovered some […]
Rebecca Elliott answers the question: Is the American education system “healthy”?

True Curriculum Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 8: Is American Education Healthy? Revisited It is time to answer our original question… Welcome back. Last week, we talked about the economics of education, and how it actually may be beneficial for the system at large to prioritize building ignorant, obedient workers, rather than curious, competent students. At […]
Rebecca Elliott discusses the Economics of Education

True Curriculum Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 7: The Economics of Education Here we go… Well friends, so far in our journey we have covered a lot. We discussed the purpose of education, and how the way the United States does schooling is far from reaching the desired goal. We talked about the messages sent by […]
Rebecca discusses “American Education: Flawed by Design?” Part II

True Curriculum By Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 3: American Education- Flawed by Design? Part II Today we’re talking about We have to talk about this uncanny prison resemblance some more… It is good to see you again! Let’s get right into it. Last week we discussed the physical design of most modern American public schools. […]
Rebecca Elliott discusses “American Education: Flawed by Design?”

True Curriculum Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 2: American Education – Flawed by Design? Part I Last time we talked we explored the topic of education, its purpose, and how given our idealistic definition of education, America’s version may not add up. Today, we’re digging further into the design of the American education system, specifically, the […]
Rebecca Elliott discusses public education with Allen Baugh, high school teacher and advocate for radical education for Black students

True Curriculum Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 6: Lessons from a Black Educator Today we get to listen to an educator Welcome back! Last week we talked about the “Black and White ” of American education; in other words, how what we are taught (and not taught) in school exists to replicate the racial hierarchy that […]
Rebecca discusses what is “education” may really be about

True Curriculum By Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 4: So if we don’t educate…what are we doing? What exactly are we teaching in schools? Welcome back! Last time we were here we wrapped up our discussion on both the inward and outward design of school-prisons, which is how I will be addressing public schools from this […]
Rebecca Elliott discusses “The Black and White of American Education”

True Curriculum Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 5: The Black and White of American Education We gotta talk about race now… When we were last together, we came to a startling conclusion about the American education system: It is not designed to educate. Even if you still have faith in the education system, you must admit […]
Rebecca E discusses “The Health of the American Education System: Two Fundamental Questions”

True Curriculum By Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 1: The Health of the American Education System-Two Fundamental Questions Today we’re talking about Let’s start with a question: Is the American education system working? As straightforward as this question might seem, I don’t think that it is a fair one. Asking if our education system is working […]