Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explores community-building as central teaching practice, and crucial to engaging health equity (#5)

What can you do to build community in your classroom (or organizational setting)?
Edition 30 – Thinking Beyond Purpose-Built Communities: A Vision to Create Structural Change for Housing in the United States

Thinking Beyond Purpose-Built Communities: A Vision to Create Structural Change for Housing in the United States By Kate S. Meyer, MPH Citation Meyer K. Thinking beyond purpose-built communities: a vision to create structural change for housing in the United States. HPHR. 2021; 28. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD10 Thinking Beyond Purpose-Built Communities: A Vision to Create Structural Change for […]
Edition 3 – Police Killings, Political Impunity, Racism and the People’s Health: Issues for Our Times

Police Killings, Political Impunity, Racism and the People’s Health: Issues for Our Times By Nancy Krieger, PhD Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Krieger N. Police killings, political impunity, racism and the people’s health: issues for our times. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2015;3. 10.54111/0001/C2 Police Killings, Political Impunity, Racism and the People’s Health: Issues for Our Times […]
Edition 3 – HPHR Editorial: Racism Is a Public Health Problem

HPHR Editorial: Racism Is a Public Health Problem By Andrew Boozary, Circe Le Compte, and Members of the Harvard Public Health Review Editorial Board Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Boozary A, Le Compte C, Harvard Public Health Review Editorial Board. Racism is a public health problem. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2015;3. DOI: 10.54111/0001c/4. HPHR Editorial: Racism Is […]
Edition 30 – Structural Racism as a Determinant of Black Mental Health: Looking Back to Move Forward

Structural Racism as a Determinant of Black Mental Health: Looking Back to Move Forward By Lindsay Kephart Citation Kephart L. Structural racism as a determinant of Black mental health: looking back to move forward. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD11 Structural Racism as a Determinant of Black Mental Health: Looking Back to Move Forward Black individuals in […]
Edition 30 – Purpose Built Communities to Promote Health Equity and Address the Impacts of Racialized Residential Segregation

Purpose Built Communities to Promote Health Equity and Address the Impacts of Racialized Residential Segregation By Veronica L. Handunge Citation Handunge V. Purpose built communities to promote health equity and address the impacts of racialized residential segregation. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD12 Purpose Built Communities to Promote Health Equity and Address the Impacts of Racialized Residential […]
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explains why health literacy is health equity (#4)

Let’s stop focusing on system users (e.g. patients, families, students) as the problem and start focusing on the ways we can create a usable system.
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explains why engaging health equity requires you to be a constant student (#3)

How do we do Health Equity? Be a constant student.
Edition 30 – Structural Colorism: Illuminating the Shadow of Structural Racism and its Malcontents

Structural Colorism: Illuminating the Shadow of Structural Racism and its Malcontents By Dr. Candice Carpenter Citation Carpenter C. Structural colorism: Illuminating the shadow of structural racism and its malcontents. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD15 Structural Colorism: Illuminating the Shadow of Structural Racism and its Malcontents If it was so honorable and glorious to be black, why […]
Edition 30 – Ensuring Equitable Vaccine Distribution for COVID-19 in Wake County, North Carolina

Ensuring Equitable Vaccine Distribution for COVID-19 in Wake County, North Carolina By Paige Bennett, Lauren M. Brown, Lechelle Wilson Wardell, Marina Smelyanskaya Watch a brief overview of their article. Citation Bennett P, Brown L, Wardell L, Smelyanskaya M. Ensuring equitable vaccine distribution for COVID-19 in Wake County, North Carolina. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD16 Ensuring Equitable […]