Thriving Beyond COVID Series-Tanjila A
In this installment from her Thriving Beyond COVID Series, Bibi Chaterpateah shares the pregnancy experience of Tangila A., who lives with endometriosis and PCOS
Ellen Considine on Climate Change, Air Quality, and Health: Part 2/3
Discussing the “co-benefits” of decarbonization for health and climate change mitigation
Public Health and the Pulpit
Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam Public Health and the Pulpit Source: Wikimedia Commons Just 250 miles south of the capital of Tunisia, the northernmost African country and a hidden tourist paradise, lies the city of Al Qarawayan. Though this country is famous for its glorious sandy beaches and historical monuments, what is less known is […]
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM talks with physician, researcher and children’s author Dr. Kimberly Narain about her book: Cycle of a Dream – A Kids’ Introduction to Structural Racism in America (#6)
How do we talk to kids (and others) about structural racism? Why, a children’s book, of course!
Upstream Politics and Negative Health Outcomes that Impact Us all Part 2: An Interview with Attorney Daniel Dawes
Rahseer Dopson interviews Daniel E. Dawes, JD of Moorhouse about health equity and health reform.
Rebecca discusses “American Education: Flawed by Design?” Part II
True Curriculum By Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 3: American Education- Flawed by Design? Part II Today we’re talking about We have to talk about this uncanny prison resemblance some more… It is good to see you again! Let’s get right into it. Last week we discussed the physical design of most modern American public schools. […]
Rebecca discusses what is “education” may really be about
True Curriculum By Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 4: So if we don’t educate…what are we doing? What exactly are we teaching in schools? Welcome back! Last time we were here we wrapped up our discussion on both the inward and outward design of school-prisons, which is how I will be addressing public schools from this […]
Naomi Fukuda discusses the need for Dentists in Rural America
This vlog discusses the critical need for more dental professionals in rural areas.
Javaid Iqbal discusses “Why the health of the incarcerated people in US matters”
The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Why the health of the incarcerated people in US matters The United States of America is often called the land of free and home of the brave. Yet, nearly 2.2 million adults are locked in prisons and jails across the United States as of 2016. If the number of people in prisons […]
Randevyn Pierre’s Podcast Review of Black Healthcare Hesitancy and Its Impact: Profiles 102 – 103
Listen to the radio show-style break down of our conversation around Black health and its historically relevant trust-related barriers over coffee.