Edition 66 – An Application of Algae Technology for Surgery and Public Health

An Application of Algae Technology for Surgery and Public Health By Nicolle Ma, Prabath Kuzhikkat, Chad Patrick Osorio, Dr. Nadeem Ahmed Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Ma N, Kuzhikkat P, Osorio C P, Ahmed N. An application of algea technology for surgery and public health. HPHR. 2022;66. 10.54111/0001/NNN1 An Application of Algae Technology for Surgery and […]
27 – Closing the Supply Gap: How a Student Clinic Organization Adapted Their Role During COVID-19 Clinical Suspension to Support Frontline Providers

Closing the Supply Gap: How a Student Clinic Organization Adapted Their Role During COVID-19 Clinical Suspension to Support Frontline Providers By Alexandra Woodbridge, Sophia Foroushani, Taylor Hopper, Andre Perez-Chaumont, Dan Frechtling, Brett Phillips, Lisa Ngo, John Dywer Citation Woodbridge A, Foroushani S, Hopper T, Perez-Chaumont A, Frechtling D, Phillips B, Ngo L, Dywer J. Closing […]
Edition 33 – Is “Enough” Really Enough? How Protected Are Our Most Vulnerable Workers—Those That Support Our Country’s Economy and Infrastructure?

In March 2020, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, and U.S. Department of Labor’s Acting Secretary Al Stewart voiced their concerns about the CDC’s recommendations on workplace aerosol exposure protection.
Edition 33 – Why the Hero Narrative Is Problematic for Health Care Workers Like Me

As a first year internal medicine resident in New York City, the physical and emotional toll the pandemic has placed on me is unmeasurable.
27 – A Medical Student’s Guide for Maximizing Personal Protective Equipment During Clinical Rotations in a COVID-19 World

A Medical Student’s Guide for Maximizing Personal Protective Equipment during Clinical Rotations in a COVID-19 World By Asim S. Ghani, Lark A. Steafo, Angeli E. Torres, Iltefat H. Hamzavi Citation Ghani A, Steafo L, Torres A, Hamzavi I. A medical student’s guide for maximizing personal protective equipment during clinical rotations in a COVID-19 world. HPHR. 2021; […]
Edition 28 – Fomite Transmission Among Respiratory Viruses and the Importance of Low-level Surface Disinfection

Fomite Transmission Among Respiratory Viruses and the Importance of Low-level Surface Disinfection By Timothy L. Wiemken Citation Wiemken, TL. Fomite transmission among respiratory viruses and the importance of low-level surface disinfection. HPHR. 2021; 28. Fomite transmission among respiratory viruses and the importance of low-level surface disinfection Abstract Background Many different respiratory viruses cause substantial morbidity […]