Edition 37 – A framework for public health crises: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and where we go from here)

A framework for public health crises: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and where we go from here) By Louis Lin, Dominique G. Ruggieri Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Lin L, Ruggieri D. A Framework for public health crisis: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and […]
Claire Bunn Discusses Research’s Role in Achieving Health Equity with Dr. Mary Wesley

“I think it’s really important that you’re involving people and asking the right questions, which isn’t just: “What’s going on,” but “Why is it going on?””
Claire Bunn Examines Health Disparities with Dr. Mary Wesley

“With COVID, there has been an understanding of the importance of public health and what’s going on. There’s been an energizing advocacy of people demanding change.”
Jackie Leung discusses “Wildfires and the Pandemic: The Need for Food”

Jackie Leung discusses the importance of community health workers in public health.
Jackie Leung discusses “The Importance of Memories from Childhood in Health and Wellness”

Jackie Leung discusses the importance of community health workers in public health.
Jackie Leung discusses “The Silence and Stillness Surrounding Domestic Violence”

Jackie Leung discusses the importance of community health workers in public health.
Edition 30 – Fortification and Expansion of the DACA Program: A Public Health Imperative

Fortification and Expansion of the DACA Program: A Public Health Imperative By Dr. Cullen Truett, DO Citation Truett C. Fortification and expansion of the DACA program: a public health mperative. HPHR. 2021; 30 DOI:10.54111/0001/DD3 Fortification and Expansion of the DACA Program: A Public Health Imperative Background What Is DACA? The Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals […]
Edition 29 – Taiwan Model to COVID-19 Response

Taiwan Model to COVID-19 Response By Catherine Hermoso; Christos Tsagkaris; Elaine May Laguilles; Gladson Vaghela; Donnatella Mastropieri; Jerome Ganzon; Gilbert Bernardino, Jr; Nenita Panaligan; Myra Oruga; Attaullah Ahmadi; Don Eliseo Lucero-Prisno, II Citation Hermoso C, Tsagkaris C, Laguilles E, Vaghela G, Mastropieri D, Ganzon J, Bernardino G, Panaligan N, Oruga M, Ahmadi A, Lucero-Prisno D. Taiwan […]
29 – Utilizing Employer Created Social Support Programs to Assist Frontline Nurses to Cope with the Psychological Symptoms of Trauma-Induced Stress and Burnout Connected to Patient Death During the COVID-19 Healthcare Crisis in the United States

Utilizing Employer Created Social Support Programs to Assist Frontline Nurses to Cope with the Psychological Symptoms of Trauma-Induced Stress and Burnout connected to Patient Death during the COVID-19 Healthcare Crisis in the United States By Mitchell A. Kaplan, PhD; Rohan Sumrah, BSN- RN, CCM; Marian Inguanzo, LMSW, ACSW Citation Kaplan M, Sumrah R, Inguanzo M. […]
Dr. Heather Tillewein Interviews a Conversion Therapy Survivor

HPHR Fellow, Dr. Heather Tillewein, does an in-depth interview with conversion therapy survivor, Clare Killman. This interview looks into Clare’s family background and the extent her family took to prevent Clare from living as a Transgender Female. Clare Killman discusses what it was like during conversion therapy and the lasting impact this form of therapy has had on her life.