Edition 1 – Addressing Social Inequities to Create a More Just, Fair and Equitable World

Addressing Social Inequities to Create a More Just, Fair and Equitable World A Conversation with Dr. Nancy Krieger By Dr. Circe G. Le Compte Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Le Compte C. Addressing social inequities to create a more just, fair and equitable world: a conversation with Nancy Krieger. Harvard Public Health Review. Spring 2014;1. DOI: 10.54111/0001a/1. […]
Edition 30 – Structural Colorism: Illuminating the Shadow of Structural Racism and its Malcontents

Structural Colorism: Illuminating the Shadow of Structural Racism and its Malcontents By Dr. Candice Carpenter Citation Carpenter C. Structural colorism: Illuminating the shadow of structural racism and its malcontents. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD15 Structural Colorism: Illuminating the Shadow of Structural Racism and its Malcontents If it was so honorable and glorious to be black, why […]