Edition 85 – The Effect of Islamophobia on the Mental Health of Muslim Americans Following the Tragedy of September 11th

The Effect of Islamophobia on the Mental Health of Muslim Americans Following the Tragedy of September 11th By Sarah A. Alkhatib, Kaeli C. Johnson, Rohit Balasundaram, Aamana Burney, Dr. Nolan Kline, Dr. Stacey B. Griner Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Alkhatib S, Johnson K, Balasundaram R, Burney A, Kline N, Griner S. The effect of Islamophobia […]
Edition 78 – The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Life Course: A Case Study Using “The Haunting of Hill House” (2018)

The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Life Course: A Case Study Using “The Haunting of Hill House” (2018) By Alexandra N. Farris, MPH, CPH and Stacey B. Griner, PhD, MPH, CPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Farris A, Griner S. The impact of adverse childhood experiences on the life course: a case study using […]
Edition 82 – The Sex Lives of College Students: Pleasure, Precaution and Sexual Health Decisions

The Sex Lives of College Students: Pleasure, Precaution and Sexual Health Decisions By Gabriella K. Snow; Joni K. Roberts, DrPH CHES®; Anusha B. Sampath Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Snow G, Roberts Joni, Sampath A. The sex lives of college students: pleasure, precaution and sexual health decisions. HPHR. 2024. 82. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/DDDD4 The Sex Lives of College […]
Edition 78 – Relationship between employment status and reported depressive disorders among older adults in the United States.

Relationship between employment status and reported depressive disorders among older adults in the United States By Eunji Choi, MPH, and Carly Levy, DHS, MPH, CPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Choi E, Levy C. Relationship between employment status and reported depressive disorders among older adults in the United States. HPHR. 2023;78. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/ZZZ2 Relationship between employment status […]
Edition 82 – Bridging the Gap: Culturally Competent Care in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias

Bridging the Gap: Culturally Competent Care in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias By Alice Liu, MPH, MS; Jodian Pinkney, MD, MPH; Francisco Ruiz, MS Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Liu A, Pinkney J, Ruiz F. Bridging the gap: culturally competent care in Alzhiemer’s disease and relate Dementias. HPHR. 2024. 82. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/DDDD2 Bridging the Gap: Culturally Competent Care […]
Edition 82 – Direct-to-Consumer STI Screening Information: Mental Health Providers as a Dissemination Channel

Direct-to-Consumer STI Screening Information: Mental Health Providers as a Dissemination Channel By Stacey B. Griner, PhD, MPH, CPH ; Tracey E. Barnett, PhD; Kaeli C. Johnson, MS ; Ashlyn Kinard, DO, BS ; Amanda Brosnan, MPAS, MPH, PA-C ; Malinee Neelamegam, PhD, MPH, CPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Griner S, Barnett T, Johnson K, Kinard A, Brosnan A, Neelamegam M. […]
Edition 62 – Fostering Mental Health First Aid Competence Among Older African American Adults: A Feasibility Study

Fostering Mental Health First Aid Competence Among Older African American Adults: A Feasibility Study By Phronie Jackson, PhD, MPH; Lillie Monroe-Lord, PhD; James Maiden, PhD; and Victoria Revelle, MPH Citation Jackson P, Monroe-Lord L, Maiden J, Revelle V. Fostering mental health first aid competence among older African Americans adults: a feasibility study. HPHR. 2023;62. DOI: […]
Edition 60 – The Bigger Point: The Significance of Wellness Initiatives in Health Professions

The Bigger Point: The Significance of Wellness Initiatives in Health Professions By Angel K.A. Ogbeide, DDS Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Ogbeide A. The bigger point: the significance of wellness initiatives in health professions. HPHR. 2023;60. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/HHH4 The Bigger Point: The Significance of Wellness Initiatives in Health Professions Highlighting barriers to behavioral health care for healthcare […]
Edition 60 – Mixed Method Approach Towards the Life of University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mixed Method Approach Towards the Life of University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic By Raihan Khan, PhD, MPH, CPH, MBBS; Andrew White, BS; Tony Jehi, Dr.PH, M.S. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Khan R, White A, Jehi T. Mixed method approach towards the life of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic . HPHR. 2023;60. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/HHH3 Mixed […]
Edition 62 – Driving Change: Addressing America’s Mental Health Crisis through the Power of Mobile Clinics in Underserved Communities

This paper proposes an innovative, timely and potentially game-changing strategy advocating for the use of Mobile Mental Health Clinics (MMHCs) to address mental health challenges in underserved communities.