Edition 82 – The Criminalization of Abortion in America: The Insidious Effect on Black Women

The Criminalization of Abortion in America: The Insidious Effect on Black Women Kaeli C. Johnson, MS; Sarah A. Alkhatib, MPH; Nolan Kline, PHD, MPH, CPH; and Stacey B. Griner, PhD, MPH, CPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Johnson K, Alkhatib S, Kline N, and Griner S. The criminalization of abortion in America: the insidious effect on […]
Edition 82 – Intimate Partner Violence in Lesbian and Bisexual Women in Same-Sex Relationships: A Review

Intimate Partner Violence in Sexual Minority Women in Same-Sex Relationships: A Review Emma Falluji, Johns Hopkins University; Nina Li, Johns Hopkins University; Zari Newman, Johns Hopkins University; and Tom Carpino, MPH, Johns Hopkins University Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Falluji E, Li N, Newman Z, and Carpino T. Intimate partner violence in sexual minority women in […]
Edition 82 – Confidence in Sexual Health Communication by Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Among College Students

Confidence in Sexual Health Communication by Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Among College Students By Stacey B. Griner, PhD, MPH, CPH; Alexandra N. Farris, MPH, CPH; Kaeli C. Johnson, MS; Idara N. Akpan, MPH, CPH; Sarah Alkhatib, MPH; Ann T. Chirayil, MS; Holly N. Dewitt, JD, MS, MBA; and Malinee Neelamegam, PhD, MPH, CPH Facebook […]
Edition 82 – Benefits of Audio-Only Telehealth Reimbursement by Medicaid for Rural Pregnant Patients Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

Benefits of Audio-Only Telehealth Reimbursement by Medicaid for Rural Pregnant Patients Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic By Julia R. Vinagolu-Baur, MBA, MS; Allie Morgan, MD, MPH; & Daisy Goodman, DNP, MPH, CNM Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Vinagolu-Baur J, Morgan A, Goodman D. Benefits of audio-only telehealth reimbursement by Medicaid for rural pregnant patients beyond the COVID-19 […]
Edition 54 – Underinsurance among Privately Insured US Children: Findings from the National Survey of Children’s Health 2020

Underinsurance among Privately Insured US Children: Findings from the National Survey of Children’s Health 2020 Menolly Kaufman PhD, MPH; Shauna Petchel PhD, MPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Kaufman M, Petchel S. Underinsurance among privately insured US children: findings from the national survey of children’s health 2020. HPHR. 2023.54. 10.54111/0001/BBB8 Underinsurance among Privately Insured US Children: […]
Edition 36 – House Bill 488: North Carolina’s Opportunity to Meaningfully Impact Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes

House Bill 488: North Carolina’s Opportunity to Meaningfully Impact Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes By Tyler C. Fox, BA and Rishika Reddy, BS Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Fox T, Reddy R. House Bill 488: North Carolina’s Opportunity to meaningfully impact maternal and infant health outcomes. HPHR. […]
Edition 32 – When Safeguards Hinder Access: Medicaid and Bilateral Tubal Ligations

When Safeguards Hinder Access: Medicaid and Bilateral Tubal Ligations By Kaitlyn Arbour, MS and Christine Petrin, MPH Citation Arbour K, Petrin C. When safeguards hinder access: Medicaid and bilateral tubal ligations. HPHR. 2021;32. DOI:10.54111/0001/FF4 When Safeguards Hinder Access: Medicaid and Bilateral Tubal Ligations Introduction Nearly half of the 6.1 million pregnancies in the U.S. each […]
Edition 22 – Does Requiring Work, Work? The Data on Medicaid Work Requirements

Does Requiring Work, Work? The Data on Medicaid Work Requirements By Elizabeth Sherman Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Sherman E. Does requiring work, work? the evidence on Medicaid work requirements. Harvard Public Health Review. 2019;22. DOI:10.54111/0001/V4 Does Requiring Work, Work? The Data on Medicaid Work Requirements Medicaid work […]
29 – The COVID-19 Stimulus Bill –Inclusion of the Medicaid Reentry Act is Critical to Justice-Involved Individuals

The COVID-19 Stimulus Bill –Inclusion of the Medicaid Reentry Act is Critical to Justice-Involved Individuals By Jacqueline Lantsman Citation Lantsman J. The COVID-19 stimulus bill –inclusion of the medicaid reentry act is critical to justice-involved individuals . HPHR. 2021; 29 DOI:10.54111/0001/cc12 The COVID-19 Stimulus Bill –Inclusion of the Medicaid Reentry Act is Critical to Justice-Involved […]