Edition 52 – An Open Letter to American Academic Institutions: Stand Behind the Evidence

An Open Letter to American Academic Institutions: Stand Behind the Evidence By Neil Singh Bedi, Rachel J. Smith, Marina L. Weiss Citation Bedi N, Smith R, Weiss M. An open letter to American academic institutions: stand behind the evidence. HPHR. 2023;52. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/ZZ5 An Open Letter to American Academic Institutions: Stand Behind the Evidence Abstract In […]
Edition 68 – Colonialism: How a Historical Practice Continues to Effect our Everyday Lives

Colonialism: How a Historical Practice Continues to Effect our Everyday Lives By Dr. Natasha Roya Matthews, MBBS, MPH, BSc (Hons), AFFMLM, and Dr. Candice Carpenter, MD, MBA, MPH, EdM Citation Matthews N, Carpenter C. How a historical practice continues to effect our everyday lives. HPHR. 2022;68. Colonialism: How a Historical Practice Continues to Effect our […]
Decolonising Medicine: a Discussion about Indigenous Health in Canada with Nick Bauer (Part 2)

In this second piece together, Sofia and Nick stress the urgency of fighting for health equity for Canada’s Indigenous populations – now.
Decolonising Medicine: a Discussion about Indigenous Health in Canada with Nick Bauer (Part 1)

Here, Sofia Weiss Goitiandia talks to activist Nick Bauer about the injustices committed against Indigenous peoples in Canada, which do not always receive the attention they deserve.
As seen through Dalia’s eyes: reflections on the world of Global Health from a pioneering Sudanese activist (Part 3)

In this final instalment of Sofia and Dalia’s interview, Dalia synthesises her experiences as an activist in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health, and shares her views on what ‘Decolonising Global Health’ means in practice.
As seen through Dalia’s eyes: reflections on the world of Global Health from a pioneering Sudanese activist (Part 2)

In the second installment of this article series, Sofia and Dalia discuss Female Genital Mutilation and Dalia’s activism towards ending it in her home country of Sudan. Please be aware that these sensitive topics may be distressing for some readers.
Joanna Burke-Bajaj explores One Health as an opportunity for advocacy towards systems change

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj One Health: An emerging public health field with the opportunity to build systems change The new and burgeoning field of One Health (OH) grew from the long-known concept of connection between living things, but took on new meaning in the growing knowledge of connectivity between health-related disciplines and major events […]
As seen through Dalia’s eyes: reflections on the world of Global Health from a pioneering Sudanese activist (Part 1)

Sofia Weiss Goitiandia spoke for hours with Global Health scholar and activist Dalia Elhag. In this first article based on their conversation, Dalia talks about the roots of her committed feminism, which is at the heart of her activist work.
Acutely unwell? Science communication in the COVID-19 vaccine case

In this blog, science communication is discussed in the context of vaccine hesitancy, particularly with regards to COVID-19 vaccines. Possible strategies to address this challenge are explored, whilst leaving room for nuance.
Talking Global Health with Medical Doctor & OneDay Health Founder Nick Laing

In this podcast, Sofia Weiss Goitiandia interviews the wonderful Dr. Nick about his work as a Medical Doctor and Co-Founder of OneDay Health in Northern Uganda.