Edition 73 – Let’s talk about COVID-19 vaccines: Coaching for Provider Confidence

Edition 73 – Let’s talk about COVID-19 vaccines: Coaching for Provider Confidence

Let’s Talk About COVID-19 Vaccines: Coaching for Provider Confidence By Devon Fisher-Chavez, MS; EunHo Eunice Choi, MS; Surasri Prapasiri, MD, MPH; and Melissa Martinez, MD Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Fisher-Chavez D, Eunice Choi E, Prapasiri S, Martinez M. Let’s talk about COVID-19 vaccines: coaching for provider confidence. HPHR. 2023;73. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/UUU2 Let’s Talk About COVID-19 Vaccines: […]

Edition 61 – Harmonization of State E-cigarette and Cigarette Excise Taxes: Association with U.S. State Tobacco Control Interventions

Edition 61 – Harmonization of State E-cigarette and Cigarette Excise Taxes: Association with U.S. State Tobacco Control Interventions

Harmonization of State E-cigarette and Cigarette Excise Taxes: Association with U.S. State Tobacco Control Interventions By Jessica Liu, MPH; Ruslan V. Nikitin, PhD; Karen Emmons, PhD; Vaughan W. Rees, PhD Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Liu J, Nikitin R, Emmons K, Rees V. Harmonization of state E-cigarette and cigarette excise taxes: association with U.S. State tobacco […]

Edition 56 – Singing Towards Freedom: An Exploration of Music Therapy Practices in Norwegian Prison Contexts

Edition 56 – Singing Towards Freedom: An Exploration of Music Therapy Practices in Norwegian Prison Contexts

Singing Towards Freedom: An Exploration of Music Therapy Practices in Norwegian Prison Contexts By Gabriel McDerment Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation McDerment G. Singing towards freedom: An exploration of music therapy practices in Norwegian prison contexts. HPHR. 2022;56.10.54111/0001/DDD3 Singing Towards Freedom: An Exploration of Music Therapy Practices in Norwegian Prison Contexts Abstract This narrative review explores […]

Edition 57 – Health and Early Learning, Community-Based Participatory Research and Initiatives in Partnership with Micronesian Islander Communities, and Call to Action

Edition 57 – Health and Early Learning, Community-Based Participatory Research and Initiatives in Partnership with Micronesian Islander Communities, and Call to Action

Health and Early Learning, Community-Based Participatory Research and Initiatives in Partnership with Micronesian Islander Communities, and Call to Action By Nguyen-Truong CKY, Leung J, Waters S, Barrow N, Nicolas Gonzalez K Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Nguyen-Truong CKY, Leung J, Waters S, Barrow N, Gonzalez K. Health and early learning, community-based participatory research and initiatives in […]

Edition 57 – Teach-Back Method in Presenting Health Promotion Topics Program: Nursing Collaboration with the Micronesian Islander Community Organization and Micronesian Islander Parent Leaders

Edition 57 – Teach-Back Method in Presenting Health Promotion Topics Program: Nursing Collaboration with the Micronesian Islander Community Organization and Micronesian Islander Parent Leaders

Teach-Back Method in Presenting Health Promotion Topics Program: Nursing Collaboration with the Micronesian Islander Community Organization and Micronesian Islander Parent Leaders By Dr. Mari Sullivan,1 DNP, MSN, ARNP, FNP-BC; Dr. Connie K Y Nguyen-Truong,2 PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN; Dr. Jacqueline Leung, JD, MS Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Sullivan M, Nguyen-Truong C, Leung J. Teach-back method […]

Edition 54 – Underinsurance among Privately Insured US Children: Findings from the National Survey of Children’s Health 2020

Edition 54 – Underinsurance among Privately Insured US Children: Findings from the National Survey of Children’s Health 2020

Underinsurance among Privately Insured US Children: Findings from the National Survey of Children’s Health 2020 Menolly Kaufman PhD, MPH; Shauna Petchel PhD, MPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Kaufman M, Petchel S. Underinsurance among privately insured US children: findings from the national survey of children’s health 2020. HPHR. 2023.54. 10.54111/0001/BBB8 Underinsurance among Privately Insured US Children: […]

Edition 71 – The global economic burden of youth self-harm: A systematic analysis of 204 countries and territories for 2019

Edition 71 - The global economic burden of youth self-harm: A systematic analysis of 204 countries and territories for 2019

Globally, young people (<24 years of age) contribute to about a quarter of the total disease burden of self-harm. However, national strategic plans have been found to have no specific recommendations for managing children and young people suffering from suicidality or preventing youth self-harm. Limited policy attention and allocation of funds can be partially attributed to limited evidence on the economic burden of self-harm. Beyond ethical and health arguments, a high economic burden could persuade policy action. Hence, understanding the global economic burden of youth self-harm including that in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is crucial.

Edition 73 – COVID-19 and Malaria Vaccine Advanced Market Commitments: Opportunities to Incentivize Investment in Africa’s Vaccine Manufacturing Industry

: COVID-19 and Malaria Vaccine Advanced Market Commitments: Opportunities to Incentivize Investment in Africa’s Vaccine Manufacturing Industry

This literature review instills a comprehensive understanding of the costs associated with vaccine manufacturing development in the Africa region and draws particular focus to the prices paid by African national governments for the recently rolled out COVID-19 vaccines through the COMAX AMC as well as the estimated costs (based on birth cohort data and DPT vaccination coverage data) of the recently WHO recommended malaria vaccine program.

Edition 57 – Local Ecological Knowledge: A New Evidence Base for Health Research

Edition 57 – Local Ecological Knowledge: A New Evidence Base for Health Research

Local Ecological Knowledge: A New Evidence Base for Health Research By Lisa Shanti Chaudhari, Xotchitl M. Flores-Marcial, Natale Zappia Svetlana Tyutina, Judith C. P. Lin, Danette Archer, Jonatan Garcia Martinez, Araceli Garcia Antonio, Jonathan Garzon, Julio Cesar Lopez-Flores, Carrie L. Saetermoe Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Chaudhari L. Flores-Marcial X, Zappia N, Tyutina S, Lin J, […]

Edition 54 – Creative Community and Academic Collaboration Approach in the Development of the Micronesian Early Education Toolkit for Easing Access into Early Childhood Learning Through an Experiential Process of Improvement

Creative Community and Academic Collaboration Approach in the Development of the Micronesian Early Education Toolkit for Easing Access into Early Childhood Learning Through an Experiential Process of Improvement By Connie Kim Yen Nguyen-Truong*, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, S Robert Spence*, DNP, ARNP, FNP-BC, ACHPN, Jacqueline Leung, JD, MS, Shelley Geil, DNP, MN, ARNP, PMHNP-BC, PMHCNS-BC […]