Edition 85 – The Effect of Islamophobia on the Mental Health of Muslim Americans Following the Tragedy of September 11th

The Effect of Islamophobia on the Mental Health of Muslim Americans Following the Tragedy of September 11th By Sarah A. Alkhatib, Kaeli C. Johnson, Rohit Balasundaram, Aamana Burney, Dr. Nolan Kline, Dr. Stacey B. Griner Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Alkhatib S, Johnson K, Balasundaram R, Burney A, Kline N, Griner S. The effect of Islamophobia […]
Edition 53 – Islamophobia as a Structural Determinant of Mental Health among Muslims in the U.S.

Islamophobia as a Structural Determinant of Mental Health among Muslims in the US By Nakisa Barzani Sadeghi, MPH Citation Sadeghi N. Islamophobia as a structural determinant of mental health among Muslims in the US. HPHR. 2021;53.10.54111/0001/AAA8 Islamophobia as a Structural Determinant of Mental Health among Muslims in the US Abstract Islamophobia is highly prevalent and […]