Edition 55 – Beyond Purdah: Understanding the Barriers Indian Muslim Women Face in Accessing and Utilizing Maternal Health Services

Beyond Purdah: Understanding the Barriers Indian Muslim Women Face in Accessing and Utilizing Maternal Health Services By Ravi Sadhu Citation Sadhu R. Beyond Purdah: understanding the barriers Indian Muslim women face in accessing and utilizing maternal health services. HPHR. 2022;63. 10.54111/0001/CCC1 Beyond Purdah: Understanding the Barriers Indian Muslim Women Face in Accessing and Utilizing Maternal […]
Edition 40 – The Evolution of WHIMS – What Healthcare Organizations Can Learn from Its Genesis, Development, and Future Potential

The Evolution of WHIMS – What Healthcare Organizations can learn from its genesis, development, and future potential By Dr Nadeem Ahmed, Gabriel Oke Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Ahmed N and Oke G. The evolution of WHIMS – What healthcare organizations can learn from its genesis, development, […]
Edition 48 – Adherence to Lockdown and Social-Distancing Policies Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic: A Behavioral and Socio-Economic Perspective from India

Adherence to Lockdown and Social-Distancing Policies Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic: A Behavioral and Socio-Economic Perspective from India By Mohammad Abdullah Sarkar BA and Ahmad Ozair MBBS Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Sarkar M, Ozair A. Adherence to lockdown and social-distancing policies amidst COVID-19 pandemic: a behavioral and socio-economic perspective from India. HPHR. 2021;48. 10.54111/0001/vv16. Download PDF. Adherence […]
Edition 48 –Tackling COVID-19 in Resource-constrained Settings: Experiences from India and Vietnam

Tackling COVID-19 in Resource-Constrained Settings: Experiences From India and Vietnam By Linh Vu Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Vu L. Tackiling COVID-19 in resource-constrained settings:experiences from India and Vietnam. HPHR. 2021;48. 10.54111/0001/VV12 Tackling COVID-19 in Resource-Constrained Settings: Experiences from India and Vietnam Abstract SARS-CoV-2 is a novel strain of the large family of respiratory coronaviruses. It […]
Dr. Dhairya Shrivastava discusses inequities in Indian healthcare system: Being a prisoner of birth

A Tough Pill to Swallow By Dr. Dhairya Shrivastava, MBBS, MBA Dr. Dhairya discusses inequities in the Indian healthcare system: Being a Prisoner of Birth We all suffer in our different ways from being prisoners of birth Jeffrey Archer Listen to the post here No quote best synthesizes my thoughts as I start to pen […]
Dr. Rofadun Nisa and Javaid Iqbal discusses “Healthcare in Kashmir”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Health Care in Kashmir *All authors contributed equally to this publication (Rofadun Nisa and Javaid Iqbal) The weight of delivering health care during a pandemic is heavy—it is even more so when this is happening in a society suffering from a protracted socio-political conflict for the last seven decades. […]
Dr. Ananya Awasthi describes Nutri-gardens as a sustainable solution for Nutrition Security

The blog discusses the need for knowledge translation to promote an evidence based agenda for India’s nutrition policy and action agenda.
Javaid Iqbal discusses “Rise of Racist Machines”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Rise of Racist Machines Machine learning is the application of algorithms and data to make decisions. Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are used in nearly every industry. They have already become an indispensable part of our lives. Science fiction has become a reality. MIT is starting a new […]
Dr. Ananya Awasthi discusses why we need knowledge translation to promote India’s nutrition agenda?

The blog discusses the need for knowledge translation to promote an evidence based agenda for India’s nutrition policy and action agenda.
Javaid Iqbal discusses “Why Data Are Not Enough To Change Human Behavior”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Why Data Are Not Enough To Change Human Behavior Covid cases are rising across the United States due to the transmission of the delta variant. The steepest increases have been in the South, where Florida, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina are dealing with the most extensive outbreaks in the […]