Scaling up Health Services for Type 1 Diabetes in India, 2023

This report, “Scaling up Health Services for Type 1 Diabetes in India: Towards a strategy to transition to sustainability of programmes supported by CDIC in India ”, was developed under the guidance of Professor Rifat Atun, Professor of Global Health Systems at Harvard University and Director of the Health Systems Innovation Lab. The study was supported by Novo Nordisk financially supported this work through a research grant. The funders had no role in study design, analysis, decision to publish, or report preparation.
Improving Registries for Better Healthcare Services and Outcomes for Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes, 2022

This consensus paper outlines a renewed global surgery strategy to expand surgical healthcare in LMICs, given recent trends, research and empiricism in surgical healthcare and global health systems.
Towards a Strategy for Improving Surgical Healthcare Worldwide, 2022

This consensus paper outlines a renewed global surgery strategy to expand surgical healthcare in LMICs, given recent trends, research and empiricism in surgical healthcare and global health systems.
Strategic Public-Private Partnerships to Transform Cardiovascular Health, 2022

The study, Strategic Public-Private Partnerships to Transform Cardiovascular Health, was developed under the guidance of Professor Rifat Atun, Professor of Global Health Systems at Harvard University and Director of the Health Systems Innovation Lab and implemented by the Health Systems Innovation Lab at Harvard University.
State of Cardiovascular Disease in G20+ Countries

This study was developed under the guidance of Professor Rifat Atun, Professor of Global Health Systems at the Harvard Chan School, Harvard University and Director of the Health Systems Innovation Lab, and Francesca Colombo, Head of the Health Division at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and implemented by a team of researchers and contributors from the Health Systems Innovation Lab (HSIL) at Harvard University and the OECD.
Appendix: Cardiovascular Disease in G20+ Countries

This is the appendix for the report, developed under the guidance of Professor Rifat Atun, Professor of Global Health Systems at the Harvard Chan School, Harvard University and Director of the Health Systems Innovation Lab, and Francesca Colombo, Head of the Health Division at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and implemented by a team of researchers and contributors from the Health Systems Innovation Lab (HSIL) at Harvard University and the OECD.