Dr. Hegde shares a history of gold mining in Portovelo-Zaruma

The Charm City Experience By Sonia Hegde A history of gold mining in Portovelo-Zaruma Photo of a local community member along the Santiago River in coastal Ecuador by Sonia Hegde.  In the 16th century, mercury amalgamation methods were brought to the Americas by Spanish colonizers (1,2). Gold mining in the Portovelo-Zaruma region of Ecuador began in […]

Dr. Ankit Raj discusses privatization of healthcare in Bihar

Lessons from Bihar By Dr. Ankit Raj Privatization of Healthcare in Bihar Swarnavo Chakrabarti I Unsplash We are gritty individuals. We survive amidst chaos and thrive, while at it. Or you could just as well say that grit is an excuse for us to not be able to change our environment or compensation for the […]

Dr. Ankit Raj discusses the death of public healthcare in Bihar

Lessons from Bihar By Dr. Ankit Raj Death of Public Healthcare in Bihar Amit Gaur I Unsplash Public healthcare or publicly funded healthcare of any nation is designed to meet its financing through the state’s coffers. Universal Health Coverage means all people have access to high-quality, timely, and affordable healthcare without suffering from financial catastrophe. […]

Javaid Iqbal discusses how vaccine apartheid hurts global health

Javaid Iqbal discusses “How Vaccine Apartheid Hurts Global Health”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal How Vaccine Apartheid Hurts Global Health The U.S. has vaccinated more than 50% of the population, while Sub-Saharan Africa has only administered eight doses per 1,000 people. Numerous developing countries have criticized the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine as “vaccine apartheid.” Rich countries have brought more vaccines than they need. The European Union could vaccinate its citizens […]