Edition 61 – Bringing Health Equity to the Forefront of Tobacco Product Regulation

Edition 61 – Bringing Health Equity to the Forefront of Tobacco Product Regulation

Bringing Health Equity to the Forefront of Tobacco Product Regulation By Brian A. King, PhD, MPH (he/him/his) Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Bringing Health Equity to the Forefront of Tobacco Product Regulation. HPHR. 2022;61. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/III2 Bringing Health Equity to the Forefront of Tobacco Product Regulation Downloadable PDF Edition 61 – Bringing Health Equity To The Forefront […]

Edition 37 – A framework for public health crises: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and where we go from here)

How Can Learnings From the Automotive Industry Prevent Deterioration of Maternal Health During a Pandemic like COVID-19

A framework for public health crises: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and where we go from here) By Louis Lin, Dominique G. Ruggieri Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Lin L, Ruggieri D. A Framework for public health crisis: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and […]

Edition 48 – Lessons learned from LMICs (low and middle income countries): COVID-19 health education and community outreach best practices for Gaza

Edition 48 – Lessons learned from LMICs (low and middle income countries): COVID-19 health education and community outreach best practices for Gaza

Lessons Learned From LMICs (Low and Middle Income Countries): COVID-19 Health Education and Community Outreach Best Practices for Gaza By Ponn P. Mahayosnand, MPH, Samiha Ahmed, BS, ZM Sabra Facebook Twitter LinkedIn PDF Download Edition 48 – Lessons Learned From LMICs (low And Middle Income Countries) COVID 19 Health Education And Community Outreach Best Practices […]

Edition 42 – Augmenting LGBTQ+ and Minority Identities within Medical School and Residency Training

Edition 42 – Augmenting LGBTQ+ and Minority Identities within Medical School and Residency Training

Augmenting LGBTQ+ and Minority Identities within Medical School and Residency Training By Alexander Golden, MS, Dr. Linda Solis, PhD, Dr. Faraz Yousefian, DO Citation Golden A, Solis L, Yousefian F. Augmenting LGBTQ+ and minority identities within medical school and residency training. HPHR. 2021;42. DOI:10.54111/0001/PP4 Augmenting LGBTQ+ and Minority Identities within Medical School and Residency Training […]

Edition 53 – Anchoring Bias – A Barrier to the Art of Healing

Edition 53-Anchoring Bias – A Barrier to the Art of Healing

Anchoring Bias – A Barrier to the Art of Healing By Ramzi Ibrahim MD, Maham Haq BS, Chelsea Takamatsu MD Citation Ibrahim R, Haq M, Takamatsu C. Anchoring bias – a barrier to the art of healing. HPHR. 2021;53.10.54111/0001/AAA9 Anchoring Bias – A Barrier to the Art of Healing “Patient A” is a 25-year-old male […]

Edition 62 – The Ethics of Mental Hospitals

Edition 62 – The Ethics of Mental Hospitals

The Ethics of Mental Hospitals By Justice Gordon Goodman Citation Goodman J. The ethics of mental hospitals. HPHR. 2022;62. 10.54111/0001/JJJ8 The Ethics of Mental Hospitals I shall be obliged to speak with great plainness, and to reveal many things revolting to the taste….  But truth is the highest consideration.  I tell what I have seen—painful […]

Edition 68 – Transnational Corporations vs Countries: Who’s Really Got the Power?

Edition 68 - Transnational Corporations vs Countries: Who’s Really Got the Power?

Transnational Corporations vs Countries: Who’s Really Got the Power? By Dr. Natasha Roya Matthews, MBBS, MPH, BSc (Hons), AFFMLM, and Dr. Candice Carpenter, MD, MBA, MPH, EdM Citation Matthews N, Carpenter C. Transnational corporations vs countries: who’s really got the power? HPHR. 2022;68. Transnational Corporations vs Countries: Who’s Really Got the Power? Vision The Global Health […]

Edition 68 – Colonialism: How a Historical Practice Continues to Effect our Everyday Lives

Edition 68 - Colonialism: How a Historical Practice Continues to Effect our Everyday Lives

Colonialism: How a Historical Practice Continues to Effect our Everyday Lives By Dr. Natasha Roya Matthews, MBBS, MPH, BSc (Hons), AFFMLM, and Dr. Candice Carpenter, MD, MBA, MPH, EdM Citation Matthews N, Carpenter C. How a historical practice continues to effect our everyday lives. HPHR. 2022;68. Colonialism: How a Historical Practice Continues to Effect our […]