Joanna Burke-Bajaj explores One Health as an opportunity for advocacy towards systems change

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj One Health: An emerging public health field with the opportunity to build systems change The new and burgeoning field of One Health (OH) grew from the long-known concept of connection between living things, but took on new meaning in the growing knowledge of connectivity between health-related disciplines and major events […]
Joanna Burke-Bajaj details the conflicting history and future of the Breast is Best campaign for breastfeeding and the Fed is Best movement

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj The Future of Choice in Feeding: A history of breastfeeding conflict between the Breast is Best campaign and the Fed is Best movement August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month, and as such it is also a time when new parents can sometimes find themselves thrust into a social media spotlight and […]
A tale of two centuries

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam A tale of two centuries Towards the end of the 20th century, a 22-member committee of the World Bank produced the World Development Report. This flagship report on the state of health around the Globe served as a benchmark to understand and improve the health of nations (World Development […]
Joanna Burke-Bajaj on workplace equity in long-term care

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj Workplace Equity in Long-Term Care: Devaluing care and the feminisation of labour When discussing the widespread implications of health inequities it is important to not negate the fact that the need for improvements in health equity apply not only to patients and communities seeking care, but also to healthcare […]
Javaid Iqbal discusses “Rise of Racist Machines”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Rise of Racist Machines Machine learning is the application of algorithms and data to make decisions. Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are used in nearly every industry. They have already become an indispensable part of our lives. Science fiction has become a reality. MIT is starting a new […]
Matter over Words: A Conversation with Shehzad Ghias Shaikh

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam Matter over Words: A Conversation with Shehzad Ghias Shaikh There’s a phrase in Urdu ‘Dukh Hota Hai’ which, loosely translated, means ‘It hurts’. The word ‘dukh’ relates to grief or an overwhelming sense of pain. It is not a word you would associate with comedy. And yet, that’s the exact […]
Ryan Sutherland, MPH, and Rohingya Refugee, Journalist, and Activist JN Joniad Discuss the Refugee Mental Health Crisis

“We are not afraid to die because we have already lost our future. We are sick physically and mentally.” The denial of basic rights, the uncertainty of resettlement to third countries, strict deterrence policies, and the global COVID-19 pandemic have further exacerbated pre-existing mental-health conditions among refugees.
Joanna Burke-Bajaj discusses the role of gender equality in improving access to clean water

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj Gender Equality and Water: The effects of advancement of the status of women on improved clean water accessibility Within many low-to-middle income countries and communities (LMICs) around the world, women’s health and significant facets of women’s lives are intrinsically tied to water, often through applied social gender roles […]
Javaid Iqbal discusses “Why Data Are Not Enough To Change Human Behavior”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Why Data Are Not Enough To Change Human Behavior Covid cases are rising across the United States due to the transmission of the delta variant. The steepest increases have been in the South, where Florida, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina are dealing with the most extensive outbreaks in the […]
Dr. Heather Tillewein Interviews a Conversion Therapy Survivor

HPHR Fellow, Dr. Heather Tillewein, does an in-depth interview with conversion therapy survivor, Clare Killman. This interview looks into Clare’s family background and the extent her family took to prevent Clare from living as a Transgender Female. Clare Killman discusses what it was like during conversion therapy and the lasting impact this form of therapy has had on her life.