Edition 57 – Health and Early Learning, Community-Based Participatory Research and Initiatives in Partnership with Micronesian Islander Communities, and Call to Action

Health and Early Learning, Community-Based Participatory Research and Initiatives in Partnership with Micronesian Islander Communities, and Call to Action By Nguyen-Truong CKY, Leung J, Waters S, Barrow N, Nicolas Gonzalez K Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Nguyen-Truong CKY, Leung J, Waters S, Barrow N, Gonzalez K. Health and early learning, community-based participatory research and initiatives in […]
Edition 52 – Self-Sampling Methods for STI Screening among College Women: A Qualitative Study to Identify Opinion Leaders

Self-Sampling Methods for STI Screening among College Women: A Qualitative Study to Identify Opinion Leaders By Kaeli C. Johnson, BA; Idara N. Akpan, MPH, CPH; Ashlyn Kinard, BS; Jaquetta Reeves PhD, MS, BSN, RN, NP-C; Stacey B. Griner, PhD, MPH, CPH; Citation Johnson K, Akpan I, Kinard A, Reeves J, Griner S. Self-sampling methods for […]
Edition 60 – The Bigger Point: The Significance of Wellness Initiatives in Health Professions

The Bigger Point: The Significance of Wellness Initiatives in Health Professions By Angel K.A. Ogbeide, DDS Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Ogbeide A. The bigger point: the significance of wellness initiatives in health professions. HPHR. 2023;60. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/HHH4 The Bigger Point: The Significance of Wellness Initiatives in Health Professions Highlighting barriers to behavioral health care for healthcare […]
Edition 52 – Trends of Sex Ratio at Birth and its Association with Sociodemographic Factors Among Asian American Subgroups in the US from 2016 to 2021

Trends of Sex Ratio at Birth and its Association with Sociodemographic Factors Among Asian American Subgroups in the US from 2016 to 2021 By Hyelee Kim, MD, MAS, MS; Rachel Murro, MPH; Jee Eun Park, MD, PhD; Yeojin (Julie) Kim, PhD; Youngseon Kim, PhD; Patty J. Lee, MD; Hesung Chun Koh, PhD; Nadia Diamond-Smith, PhD […]
Edition 60 – Mixed Method Approach Towards the Life of University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mixed Method Approach Towards the Life of University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic By Raihan Khan, PhD, MPH, CPH, MBBS; Andrew White, BS; Tony Jehi, Dr.PH, M.S. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Khan R, White A, Jehi T. Mixed method approach towards the life of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic . HPHR. 2023;60. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/HHH3 Mixed […]
Equity Guidelines

Equity Guidelines What Is Health Equity? Health Equity “involves the fair distribution of resources needed for health, fair access to the opportunities available, and fairness in the support offered to people when ill”.1 According to the concept of ‘Health Equity’, an individual’s ethnicity, race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or other social condition, […]
Social Justice Guidelines

Social Justice Guidelines What is Social Justice? Social Justice involves the societal creation of fairness whereby individual rights are protected and realized, and all have access to opportunities, services, and resources. The enactment of social justice often involves a mindset of inclusivity and concepts of equity, access, equal privileges, diversity, and the protection and upholding […]
Indexing Guidelines

Indexing Requirements Indexing Requirements Journal policies on authorship and contributorship HPHR identifies authorship at the beginning of each published piece and contributorship or acknowledgements within a statement at the end of each piece as appropriate. Authorship Authors – may be identified as those who have made substantial contribution to the work (which may include all […]
Edition 72 – Combating Racial Disparity in Children’s Public Health Education and Literature

Combating Racial Disparity in Children’s Public Health Education and Literature By Daniel J. Fernandez; Dieuwertje J. Kast, EdD; W. Martin Kast, PhD Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Fernandez D, Kast D, Kast W M. Combating racial disparity in children’s public health education and literature. HPHR. 2023;72. https://www.doi.org/10.54111/0001/TTT2 Combating Racial Disparity in Children’s Public Health Education and […]
Edition 76 – Discontinuation of Hormonal Contraception: A Systematic Review and Metanalysis

Discontinuation of Hormonal Contraception: A Systematic Review and Metanalysis By Joni K Roberts, DrPH, CHES; Katherine C. McNabb, MSN, RN; Alanna Bergman, MSN, AGNP-BC; Tanjila Taskin PhD, MPH, CPH; Bella Mualem, BS, and Oluwabunmi Ogungbe, PhD, MPH, RN Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Roberts J, McNabb K, Bergman A, Taskin T, Mualem B, Ogungbe O. Discontinuation […]