An interview with Marina Magalhães, PhD student at the University of Florida about breastfeeding support and lactation services

In this blog post, Marina Magalhães, a PhD student at the University of Florida addresses some important questions about lactation and breastfeeding
As seen through Dalia’s eyes: reflections on the world of Global Health from a pioneering Sudanese activist (Part 1)

Sofia Weiss Goitiandia spoke for hours with Global Health scholar and activist Dalia Elhag. In this first article based on their conversation, Dalia talks about the roots of her committed feminism, which is at the heart of her activist work.
Edition 30 – All Doctors Should Be Social Activists

All Doctors Should Be Social Activists By Sofia Weiss Goitiandia and Izzy Edwards Citation Goitiandia S, Edwards I. All doctors should be social activists. HPHR. 2021;30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD1 All Doctors Should Be Social Activists Abstract This evidenced-based opinion piece addresses the roles of a doctor beyond the immediate remit of their clinics, theatres, and laboratories. It […]
Joanna Burke-Bajaj on workplace equity in long-term care

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj Workplace Equity in Long-Term Care: Devaluing care and the feminisation of labour When discussing the widespread implications of health inequities it is important to not negate the fact that the need for improvements in health equity apply not only to patients and communities seeking care, but also to healthcare […]
Javaid Iqbal discusses “Rise of Racist Machines”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Rise of Racist Machines Machine learning is the application of algorithms and data to make decisions. Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are used in nearly every industry. They have already become an indispensable part of our lives. Science fiction has become a reality. MIT is starting a new […]
Rasheera Dopson discusses the Age of Health Equity

At the intersection of health justice lies the answer of equity. Equity burdens us all with the task of foreseeable change. Equity is focused less on the performative act and concentrates more on application.
Matter over Words: A Conversation with Shehzad Ghias Shaikh

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam Matter over Words: A Conversation with Shehzad Ghias Shaikh There’s a phrase in Urdu ‘Dukh Hota Hai’ which, loosely translated, means ‘It hurts’. The word ‘dukh’ relates to grief or an overwhelming sense of pain. It is not a word you would associate with comedy. And yet, that’s the exact […]
Edition 14 – Health Reform in the U.S.: Same Evidence, Different Frames

Health Reform in the U.S.: Same Evidence, Different Frames By Eric Coles Citation Coles E. Health reform in the U.S. HPHR. Fall 2018;14. DOI: 10.54111/0001/N1 Health Reform in the U.S.: Same Evidence, Different Frames Though many celebrated the Republican failure last year to pass health care reform, it also contained a dark lining. For those who […]
HPHR Fellow Priya Vedula Reflects on Her Experiences with Attending Medical School Online During the Pandemic

. I imagined my first year full of scrubs, white coats, dissections, late nights at the library, and lots of new friends. Unfortunately, these experiences were not in the cards for many of us entering our first year of medical school in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
Edition 14 – Flight Bans and the Ebola Crisis: Policy Recommendations for Future Global Health Epidemics

Flight Bans and the Ebola Crisis: Policy Recommendations for Future Global Health Epidemics By Chelsea Ferrell and Pulkit Agarwal Citation Ferrell C, Agarwal P. Flight bans and the Ebola crisis. Harvard Public Health Review. Fall 2018;14. DOI:10.54111/0001/N2 Flight Bans and the Ebola Crisis: Policy Recommendations for Future Global Health Epidemics Abstract Commercial airlines are positioned to […]