Edition 14 – Health Reform in the U.S.: Same Evidence, Different Frames

Health Reform in the U.S.: Same Evidence, Different Frames By Eric Coles Citation Coles E. Health reform in the U.S. HPHR. Fall 2018;14. DOI: 10.54111/0001/N1 Health Reform in the U.S.: Same Evidence, Different Frames Though many celebrated the Republican failure last year to pass health care reform, it also contained a dark lining. For those who […]
Edition 9 – Healthcare Recommendations for Recently Arrived Refugees: Observations from EthnoMed

Healthcare Recommendations for Recently Arrived Refugees: Observations from EthnoMed By J. Carey Jackson MD, MPH, MA; Mahri Haider MD, MPH; Christine Wilson Owens BA; Nicole Ahrenholz MD; Alexandra Molnar MD; Beth Farmer LICSW; and Genji Terasaki MD Citation Jackson J, Haider M, Owens C, Ahrenholz N, Molnar A, Farmer B, and Terasaki G. Healthcare recommendations […]
Edition 7 – Improving Communities, Improving Health

Improving Communities, Improving Health By Jeffrey Sanchez Citation Sanchez J. Improving communities, improving health. Harvard Public Health Review. Summer 2015;7. Improving Communities, Improving Health When we talk about health care, we are often referring to hospitals or other acute facilities, imagining women and men in scrubs, long waits in emergency rooms, that distinctive smell of disinfectant. […]
Edition 7 – Single-Payer Health Reform: A Step Toward Reducing Structural Racism in Health Care

Single-Payer Health Reform: A Step Toward Reducing Structural Racism in Health Care By Dominic F. Caruso, MD/MPH Candidate; David U. Himmelstein, MD; Steffie Woolhandler, MD Citation Caruso D, Himmelstein D, Woolhandler S. Single-payer health reform: a step toward reducing structural racism in health care. Harvard Public Health Review. Summer 2015;7. Single-Payer Health Reform: A Step Toward […]