Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explains why engaging health equity requires you to be a constant student (#3)

How do we do Health Equity? Be a constant student.
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM discusses why engaging health equity requires asking questions of *yourself* (#2)

How do we do Health Equity? Start by asking yourself questions to continuously learn.
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explains why engaging health equity requires you to continuously learn more (#1)

How do we do Health Equity? Start by asking questions to continuously learn.
Edition 32 – Bridging the Gap in Surgical Patient Education: A Visual-Based Approach

Bridging the Gap in Surgical Patient Education: A Visual-Based Approach By Christina Shree Chopra, Youssef Aref, Christina Pecora, Leslie Ghisletta Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Chopra C, Youssef A, Pecora C, Ghisletta L. Bridging the gap in surgical patient education: a visual-based approach. HPHR. 2021; 32. DOI: […]